Monday, August 25, 2014

In Fellowship in with the Son.

1 Corinthians 1:9 arrays before us our calling. It reads thus: God [is] full of faith, trustworthy, loyal and faithful –through Whom you folks were called and invited into a common being and existence of (or: partnership, participation, fellowship, sharing and communion with) His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord (Owner; Master). (JMNT). This is remarkable! Sadly, many believers haven't understood the concept of fellowship. The idea of fellowship, to many believers, means talking to God, praying to him and him talking to you. This is the outward working, the fruit of Fellowship. Fellowship is much bigger that just talking, talking is an effect of fellowship. The word, 'fellowship' comes from a Greek word, 'Koinonia'. Koinonia refers to 'partnership, sharing and paricipation'. It points to a 'commoness, consanguinity, sameness'. In the light of this, a fellowship can be defined as a relationship between beings of the SAME kind, those with a ground of COMMONESS'. We are in Fellowship with the son of God! This Sonhood is the basis, the COMMON ground of our fellowship. What this implies is that we are as much sons of God as much as Jesus is! This is what it means to be in fellowship with the son of God! Hebrews 2:11, 'For indeed he who makes holy and those being made holy all have the same origin, and so he is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters,' (NET). We have the same origin; we mirror Christ in this world! Christ came as the revelation of the life of the Father (1 John 1:2). This life was unknown to this world until Jesus came as the first manifestation of the character and potentialities of the very life of God! This is the very life we possess and have been called to manifest- 1 John 5:13. On this ground, we can approach God boldly because he loves us, just as much as he loves Jesus -John 17:23. This makes prayer more than a religious activity, but a rich time of interaction with God on the basis of the fellowship we have so graciously been invited into. Glory to God! #Reflection #Pleroma

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