Tuesday, December 31, 2013


God was gracious to us in 2013. The ministry agenda was, ‘Increased Impact and Influence’.  It was fulfilled in every way! We held several programs and undertook several initiatives.

In the course of the year, we had several meetings where many were touched, healed and transformed by the Word of God. Such programs include:
Something Much More 2013

DreamWorld Conference 2013

Friday Bible Seminars

Ouranos 2.0

Visit to Landmark University

Floor Meetings
       And several others

In 2013, the ministry year of Increased Impact and Influence, God added to us 5 team members who are passionate about the vision of God’s DreamWorld. In the course of the year, we commended two missionary-pastors: Victor Alichi and Ibukunoluwa Shorinwa and one minister; Gare Aganbi. We also have two other wonderful folks, Brother Joshua and Sister Chichi. Though them, there has been increased impact and influence.

Indeed, God was gracious in granting us ministry opportunities on the internet. We partnered with other ministries in taking the transforming Word and the life changing influence of the Spirit on the Cyberspace. We partnered with Brother Ransome Ministries, www.brotherransome.com , and Christian Churches and Ministries network,   HYPERLINK "http://www.ccmnonline.org" www.ccmnonline.org . They helped to publish some of our materials. We are grateful to God and to them. Also, our Divinity Today Devotional received an ‘Auxano-Lift’ with the creation of its website, www.divinitytodaydevotional.org . It can be read in 72 languages including Arabic, Yiddish, Hausa and Yoruba. Also, we moved into application development with the creation of ‘Higher Life talk’ Blackberry App, where God’s Word is lavishly arrayed for the reader’s delight!

The year 2013 was a year of the Greater Glory in every way. We give  mighty thanks to our almighty God who supplied us lavishly his Word and his anointing that has brought prosperity to our lives and ministry!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Closing thoughts for the year of the Greater Glory!

Wow! 2013 was a splendid year! God was marvellous throughout the year! What Great truths that the Spirit of God vivified our hearts with! As I considered all we have been taught this year, the revelation of what the Greater Glory is dawned on me; the New Testament of Jesus Christ is the Greater Glory- 2 Corinthians 3:8-9! All we taught this year, all we were shown by the Spirit were revelations of the New Creation realities which the New testament of Jesus brought into being! By his love, we are New Creations;.born  without a past of sin and with a future of Glory with God in eternity! From January, the month of Presence Consciousness till December, the month of Thanksgiving, this was arrayed before our Spirits! I hope you were sensitive enough to realize that. Let's relive the inspiring revelations of the Word by going through amazing articles @ www.Facebook.com/DivinityToday , there we will be inspired with God's Word that came to us this year! As the year wraps up, my gaze is fixed on the Glory that awaits us in 2014. We would announce the theme of the year on December 31 at Midnight! So, with joyful hearts, uplifted hands and lips full of grace, let's be careful to thank the Lord! I love you! God bless you! #GreaterGlory

Pastor Olawunmi Abraham

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Adoption

God has a dream for his kids; it's his grand plan in Christ; it's the ADOPTION! It is derived from the Greek Word, 'uihothesia'; it means the 'placing or training of a son. What is the ADOPTION? The adoption is a system of training and guidance for a selected son of a king or nobleman for the purpose of raising him up to function in his Father's stead. This is quite different from our understanding of Adoption, today. The adoption of Today is of parents taking charge of children who do not have their nature. We are not 'adopted' children of God but children undergoing the Adoption of the Spirit! Study Romans 8, Galatians 4 and Ephesians 4 with the Holy Spirit's help and it shall be made clear! The Purpose of the adoption is clear; to bring the child into the maturity of sonship! The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Adoption because he is in charge of the training process, he brings us before the mirror of God to transform us into our true selves; the image of Christ -2 Corinthians 2:18! The primary material for our adoption process is the Epignosis of the Son of God; that uniting knowledge of Christ that brings us to the fullness of his stature -Ephesians 4:13. This is God's dream; that we individually and collectively function in the fullness of Christ! We are God's bonafide kids; he birthed us- John 1:12-13. We are vital children of God growing up into Christ in all things -Ephesians 4:15. Gradually, the eyes of so many are being opened unto the realities of the Christ-Life; the adoption is in force! The World is waiting for our manifestation! #GreaterGlory

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Learn to lift your hands!

There is something very special to God as we worship and thank him; it's the lifting up of our hands! Psalms 141:2 says, 'Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.' The evening sacrifice is the worship offering of the Old covenant. David, however, sees into the future and sees a new type of 'evening sacrifice': the lifting up of our hands! It's special to God! It's a sign of victory in the realm of the Spirit! When Moses lifted up his hands as Israel battled Amalek, Israel prevailed! -Exodus 17:12. Make a habit of always  lifting up your hands to God! Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 2:8, 'I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.' Wow! The lifting up of our hands is our testament to the fact that he accomplished his pleasure in Christ; he made us holy! Now, our hands are holy! Right where you are, lift up your hands and thank him for making you holy in Christ Jesus! #Thanksgiving #GreaterGlory

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Revelations 5:10 leaves us with these inspiring truths, ' And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.' Hallelujah! We have been made unto God, 'King-priests' . That's what he made us and that's what he calls us! In executing our priestly ministry, it's only fitting we use these words as our sacrifices of praise as they are our confessions to his greatness! Oh, what a divine calling to execute our divine priesthood, what a testimony to our righteousness in God! Also, we are Kings to hold sway in his name; with this the Father is well pleased! So, worship and pray as a priest. But,speak as a King; you have been vested with all authority in Jesus name! #Thanksgiving #GreaterGlory

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Spiritual sacrifices.

We have realized that we are priests of God, mandated by God to offer up Spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Christ Jesus! But, what are these sacrifices? In the Old testament, they had sacrifices of different sorts: bulls, calves, rams, flour, etc. But, today, in the New  testament, we have been called to offer the sacrifices of praise by making Confessions unto his name - Hebrews 13:15.


Hebrews 13:15, ' By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name'. The phrase, 'Giving thanks' is from the Greek word, 'Homologeo', which means to, 'to offer praises by agreeing and attesting to what one has said and done'. You know, when I say that the best way to praise God is by declaring what you are in him, not what you are without him, many are chagrined. But, the truth is by declaring what we ARE in him; we make the right confessions which are our sacrifices of praise! So, today and always  declare who you are in Christ, that's a well pleasing sacrifice in Christ! #Thanksgiving #GreaterGlory

More than forgiven... Justified

The Christian is more than the forgiven fellow, he is the justified! What is the difference? To be forgiven means to have erred and to have your sins passed over. Jesus died on the cross for man to be forgiven. But, he also rose! Why? For our justification! The believer is Not the, 'forgiven' fellow! He is the Justified man! To be justified means to be absolved of guilt; declared innocent! In other words, this guy has done nothing wrong! How is this possible? It is possible because Jesus ' resurrection birthed the New Creation; one without a past! He is one declared righteous by the Sovereign of the Universe; who shall accuse him of wrong? Our faith in Christ Jesus has made us participators in his death; where the old man died. It has also made us participants in his resurrection; we rose as New Creations with God's life and divine nature at work in us! Now, we can live the Sinless life; we have righteousness as our nature! Glory to God! #GreaterGlory

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How to Worship God.

The present day order of worship God seeks is in Spirit and in truth; by our recognition of present hour Spiritual realities. How do we undertake this? We must understand that as priests of God and God's living houses, we must offer up to God, Spiritual sacrifices-1 Peter 2:5. How is this done? 1 Peter 2:9, ' But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:' By declaring his praises! 'Declare' is the Greek Word, 'exagello', meaning, 'to tell, to reveal through words'.  The Word, 'Praises' is the Greek, 'Arete', meaning, 'excellence, surpassing goodness'. This is how we worship God!  Particularly inspiring is the song of the saints in Revelation 5:9-10, ' And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.' This was their worship! Notice how it was done: It aggrandized the Greatness of God by calling him worthy. Then, it  reveals that greatness in what he has made us; Kings and Priests! This is how we offer Spiritual sacrifices! Revel in him with uplifted hands, a joyful heart and lips full of Grace! Let the testimony of what he has made you, NOT what you are without him, be on your lips! We declare his praises with WHAT we NOW ARE in him! Declare you are blessed, righteous and favoured in him; that's your Spiritual sacrifice! #Thanksgiving #GreaterGlory

Monday, December 9, 2013

Bringing Prosperity to your Faith.

One of the scriptures the Spirit of God shared with me in preparing me for this month was Colossians 2:7, ' Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.' He said that he was going to teach me (and by extension, you) how to prosper in our faith; this fellowship of the Gospel! Looking at our text, the revelation of what the Lord's purpose is, unfolds. The Lord says we, 'abound therein with thanksgiving'! The Word, 'abound' is from the Greek, ' perisseuo'. Perisseuo means, 'to cause to prosper' We prosper in our faith giving Glory to God! That's what Abraham did, the strength of his Faith was in his giving Glory to God! Thanksgiving is a law for multiplication! For example, the more you thank God for the Righteousness he has made you in him, the greater the effects of that righteousness in your life! Make it a life style to give thanksgiving and watch yourself prosper in your faith! #Thanksgiving #GreaterGlory

Sunday, December 8, 2013


What are testimonies? Testimonies aren't just nice praise reports we give in Church, they are our statements of witness, testaments of validation to the truths of God! The purpose of testimonies is to prove God's fidelity in his keeping  covenants! Testimonies help validate the truth that God kept his part!

How to give a testimony!

Deuteronomy 26:1-10  gives tremendous insights on how to give our testimonies. Never mind that's in the Old covenant, it has it's parallel in the New! Here, the children of Israel were stipulated to bring an offering to God, when they had entered the Promised Land to TESTIFY that God kept his Word, having brought them in! They were to offer bullocks, calves and rams thanking God and making statements of validation of God's forthrightness! In the New testament, we have entered into the place of promise, the rest of Christ! He has made us righteous, holy, blameless and above reproach! We are to testify both privately and publicly!  How? Not with the bulls of the old covenant but with the 'Calves' of our lips! Our Confessions are what he requires as our testimonies- Hebrews 13:15! When we declare who we are in him, we give testimony to his truth! When I declare I am righteous, it's my witness that he accomplished everything he promised in Christ! The Scriptures teach that the righteousness of God is manifested in his making us righteous! Romans 3:24-26 teaches that our righteousness declares God's righteousness! Give Testimonies of how he has blessed you with all Spiritual blessings, that's the testimony God looks out for! #Thanksgiving #GreaterGlory

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Calves of our lips!

This month of Thanksgiving is a month of Sacrifice; Spiritual Sacrifice! We will render the sacrifice of praise in the way the Spirit has stipulated! In the old testament, God required daily sacrifices of bulls and goats as testaments of Worship unto him! God got tired of that -Psalm 40! He longed for the day where he would be enthroned in our hearts and when our bodies became his temple! That dream has been realized in Christ! We are now a Spiritual house, a consecrated priesthood, to offer up Spiritual sacrifices! - 1 Peter 2:5. What sacrifices are these? What is being slain in Worship? It's no longer bulls and goats; the perfect perfecting sacrifice, Jesus  was enough! Now, we offer the 'Calves' of our lips - Hosea 14:2. These are our statements and Testimonies of praise consenting to God's greatness,  God's truth! Hebrews 13:15 says, ' By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his  name.'  The Phrase, 'Giving thanks' is 'Homologeo' in the Greek. It refers Confessions;  saying the same thing with another, consenting with another, with the intent of adoration and praise! When we speak about who God is and who we are in him, we consent to his truth; we confess his greatness! These are our Spiritual sacrifices; the Calves of our lips! Let everyday be a practice of this priestly ministry! Be ever mindful to render the 'Calves' of your lips; he alone is worthy! #Thanksgiving #GreaterGlory