Monday, November 3, 2014

The Carnal Mind...

I would like to share on a subject which has largely been misconstrued. And this misunderstanding has robbed many of their effectiveness in the things of God. What is the Carnal mind? What also does it mean to be spiritually minded? Our text for study is Romans 8:1-10. Verse  1 tells us,  'There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.' (KJV) It's interesting to note that the original text doesn't read this way. It reads as, 'Therefore no condemnation to them in Christ Jesus'. The other part, ' those who walk not  after the flesh, but after the Spirit', is a commentary on that verse that found its way into later manuscripts. So, what then did Apostle Paul mean by the terms, 'The Carnal mind' and being 'Carnally minded'?  Verses 4-6 zero in on our subject matter; That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. What does it mean to 'walk after the flesh'? To some, it's to pursue earthly pleasures or to live after the senses. That's not true in this context. Since scriptures explain scriptures, let's examine other scriptures to explain this. Galatians 3:3-4, 'This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?' From this context, we see that Paul equates living by the Law of Moses to being in the flesh and Faith as being in the Spirit. Therefore, we can see that righteousness comes upon those who walk not after the flesh (the law) but those that walk according to the Spirit (faith). Then, we see that to be Carnally minded is death. What does this mean? The Law is the ministration of death- 2 Corinthians 3:7. To live by the law is death because sin takes occasion of the law to slay man - Romans 7:11. To be spiritually minded is life and peace. The spiritually minded is one who deports his life within the paradigms of the finished works of Christ by faith. It produces life (Romans 6:23) and peace (Galatians 6:15-16). Then, we see some further information in 7-8, 'Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.' Why is this so? People who live by the law aren't subject to God's law. Paul explains this in Romans 10:3, ' For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.' Look at this! Those who live by the law haven't submitted themselves to God's righteousness! This is the Carnal mind! When we submit ourselves to the Lordship of Jesus, it's not just our allegiance to him, it's our commitment to claim him as our righteousness and depend solely on him as our acceptance before the Father. Then he says that 'those in the flesh cannot please God'. Why? He explains this in Romans 3:20, 'Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.' The Carnal mind, being an adherent of the law, is not justified in God's sight. If there was any doubt about what it meant to be Carnal or Fleshly, verse 9 resolves it; But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. If it meant actions, it would have read differently. But, the believer isn't in the flesh because the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of adoption dwells in him. Because, we believe, we are in the Spirit! #TrueLight #Pleroma

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The 'Sum' Life in Christ!

We have been called into a Union with Christ insomuch that we are partakers of whosoever happened to him from the Cross to the throne. This is the 'Sum' life! The word, 'sum' is a Greek prefix which means, 'together'. It has other variants such as 'soo', 'suz'and 'sun'. Let's look at some few 'sum' scriptures! Ephesians 2:5, 'Even when we were dead in sins,hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)' The phrase, 'quickened us together', comes from a Greek word, ' suzōopoieō'. 'Suzōopoieō' means to, 'jointly resurrect'. When Christ was raised from the dead, we also were raised from the dead unto a new life! It's the life of righteousness, where we have been made alive in God's realm of being! Glory to God! Verse 6, 'And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:'. Here, we have the phrase, 'sit together', translated from, 'sugkathizō'. It means to 'sit in company with'. We sit in Christ, far above all principalities and powers! We are born of God as Christ was born of God! As he is, so are we in this world! #Reflection #Fellowship #Pleroma

Monday, August 25, 2014



God's eternal plan in Christ Jesus was for man to have the same form as Christ. It was his  dream that we became vital partakers of his divinity! That is why we got born again! In the New birth is the revelation of the begotten of God! In our knowledge of God's love is the discovery of our origins, through birth, in God! Romans 8:29, 'For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren'. This is mind blowing! Here, we get to find out that God conformed the believer into the image of his son, such that Jesus became firstborn. The word, 'conformed' comes from the Greek, 'summorphos'. It means to have the 'same form as another'.Many have thought the idea of being conformed to his image is the 'Imitation of Christ'. This is no imitation, rather it's a transmutation! It is a Glorious change of form from earthy to heavenly!  This is the present day revelation concerning Jesus Christ and the Father; he no longer is the 'ONLY BEGOTTEN' of God, but through his Glorious resurrection, he has become the  'FIRST BEGOTTEN'! This same truth is mirrored in Colossians 1:18, 'And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.' Jesus is the firstborn from the dead; so we are too! He enjoys preeminence as firstborn, but we have got as much as he has got; we are joint-heirs! Why should this be? Love is the reason why! Love has birthed us bona fide sons of God having the same form as our Lord Jesus! Little wonder he calls observing the Lord Jesus as the Glory of God amounts to looking into a mirror! As he is, so are we in this world! #Reflection #Pleroma

In Fellowship in with the Son.

1 Corinthians 1:9 arrays before us our calling. It reads thus: God [is] full of faith, trustworthy, loyal and faithful –through Whom you folks were called and invited into a common being and existence of (or: partnership, participation, fellowship, sharing and communion with) His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord (Owner; Master). (JMNT). This is remarkable! Sadly, many believers haven't understood the concept of fellowship. The idea of fellowship, to many believers, means talking to God, praying to him and him talking to you. This is the outward working, the fruit of Fellowship. Fellowship is much bigger that just talking, talking is an effect of fellowship. The word, 'fellowship' comes from a Greek word, 'Koinonia'. Koinonia refers to 'partnership, sharing and paricipation'. It points to a 'commoness, consanguinity, sameness'. In the light of this, a fellowship can be defined as a relationship between beings of the SAME kind, those with a ground of COMMONESS'. We are in Fellowship with the son of God! This Sonhood is the basis, the COMMON ground of our fellowship. What this implies is that we are as much sons of God as much as Jesus is! This is what it means to be in fellowship with the son of God! Hebrews 2:11, 'For indeed he who makes holy and those being made holy all have the same origin, and so he is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters,' (NET). We have the same origin; we mirror Christ in this world! Christ came as the revelation of the life of the Father (1 John 1:2). This life was unknown to this world until Jesus came as the first manifestation of the character and potentialities of the very life of God! This is the very life we possess and have been called to manifest- 1 John 5:13. On this ground, we can approach God boldly because he loves us, just as much as he loves Jesus -John 17:23. This makes prayer more than a religious activity, but a rich time of interaction with God on the basis of the fellowship we have so graciously been invited into. Glory to God! #Reflection #Pleroma

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Prolonging his days.

The Christian's calling is to be the manifestation of the life of Christ, such that Christ Jesus will literally rule and reign through us. The New Creation is a man who has Christ living  and reigning in and through him! Isaiah 53:10 gives us God's mind concerning Jesus Christ and the Church. It goes, this way, 'Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.' Our emphasis is on this portion: 'He shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days'. What does this mean? This particular portion has been marked out by most translators as a 'difficult-to-interpret-text'. Only few translations have the glimmer of the idea. One of such is the Young's Literal Translation. It reads thus, 'And Jehovah hath delighted to bruise him, He hath made him sick, If his soul doth make an offering for guilt, He seeth seed--he prolongeth days, And the pleasure of Jehovah in his hand doth prosper.' This shows us the progressional nature of this revelation. '...he seeth seed- he prolongeth days...' In his seeing of seed is the prolonging of his days. The Christian is an offspring, a result of the work of Christ. Jesus uttered these precious words in John 17:11, 'And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.'  He left us in this world to be his perpetuation. This is the day of Christ, and we are his outshining! Matthew 10:40, 'He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.'  Every part of the body is an offspring of the head and is charged with carrying out the purposes of the head. Jesus is alive through us in this world. He is the head, we are his body and we go by one name, Christ! We live for his glory! We are called to be exhibitions of his glorious person! #Reflection #Pleroma

Monday, August 18, 2014

The Destiny of Love.

When you enter into a relationship, one of the things that you should find out is the future of that relationship. A good way of finding that out is asking your partner this; where is our love leading to? Well, this is not a post on relationships. :) Recently, I have been meditating on the destiny of love; God's love for me. Why did he love me? For  what end did he love me? 1  John 5:16-17, 'And we have come by intimate experience to know and have believed, trusted and are convinced of the Love which God has continuously within us. God exists continually being Love, and the person continuously remaining within, and in union with, the Love, is continuously remaining within,  and in union with, God –and God constantly dwells within him and in union with him. Within this the Love has been brought to its goal, been matured, reached its destiny and is now perfected with us, to the end that we may continuously have confident freedom of speech within the day of sifting and separation, because just as That One is, we also continuously exist being: within the midst of this ordered System.' (JMNT). Whilst meditating on these verses, something caught my attention, '....Within this the Love has been brought to its goal, been matured, reached its destiny....' Love has a goal, love has a destiny! I'd like us to look at two aspects, 'The destiny of love' and 'How love fulfills its destiny'. What is Love's destiny? '.. To the end that we may continuously have confident freedom of speech within the day of sifting and separation, because just as That One is, we also continuously exist being: ..' (Verse 17). The end, the destiny of love is for us to have boldness in the day of judgment, because we discover something big; AS HE IS SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD'. The destiny of love is the realization of this; our consanguinity with the Lord Jesus! How is this accomplished? This is observed in verse 16, 'And we have come by intimate experience to know and have believed, trusted and are convinced of the Love which God has continuously within us...' Verse 17 then begins, 'Within this the Love has been brought to its goal, been matured, reached its destiny...' Little wonder Apostle had the same revelations from God when he said that '...we might know the Love of God that passeth all understanding that we might be filled with all God's fullness' (Ephesians 3:19). This is God's dream, this is love's destiny; that I might know, 'As he is, so AM I in this world'! #Reflection #Pleroma

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Observe as yourself!

One of the most amazing translations of 2 Corinthians 3:18 is found in the James Mitchell New Testament (JMNT). It goes thus, 'Having a face that has been uncovered and remains unveiled  –being folks who by a mirror are continuously observing, as ourselves, the Lord's glory, are presently being continuously and progressively transformed into the very same image, from glory into glory –in accord with and exactly as –from [the] Lord's Breath-effect'. What a marvelous conception! I'd like to major on a particular portion of this verse; 'being folks who by a mirror are continuously observing, as ourselves, the Lord's glory'. What a transcendent thought! '....observing as ourselves, the Lord's glory'.. This lets us know our expected attitude to the Word of God especially manifested in Christ Jesus. We are to 'observe as ourselves'. In other words, we acknowledge what we see in the Word as our reality! Too many believers have misunderstood the present truths of God's Word as prophecies for the future. They are hoping to become righteous, hoping to be holy, praying to be blessed. But, the Word says, 'Beloved, NOW  are we the sons of God' (1 John 3:2). They haven't understood the realities of God's Word today. Yet, God desires that we are established in the 'Present Truth' (2 Peter 1:12). This brings to mind the story of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:27-39. The man was studying God's plan of salvation as foretold by Prophet Isaiah concerning Jesus Christ, the saviour of the world. The fellow was confused, not knowing exactly what the Prophet was saying. But, the Spirit sent Philip to him. At the end of the day, he caught the picture, saw God's dream and SAW himself in God's plan! He saw that Christ came to save HIM. He received the blessing of salvation, because he 'observed as himself'. The attitude we have to the Word is crucial! James 1:21 says, 'Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.' The idea 'engrafted', supplies especially when you study it in the Greek is, 'implanted by nature'. In other words, the Word is to be a part of you. That happens as we, 'observe as ourselves'! And when we do, we become the very expressions of all God has made us in our spirits! Our language and lifestyle would be affected; we will begin to see, talk and act as the righteousness of God we are! Make this your attitude in studying the Word today! #Reflection #Pleroma

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Love is a light..

The Love of God is such a beautiful phenomenon! One of life's greatest pleasures is observing the love of God expressed through the one who's  born again. Better still, being the one giving out God's love! Love is a light! Often, we want to know how to live right and how to live holily. The answer to these quests is the Love of God revealed to us and through us! In the revelation of God, is the revelation of his works of love carried out in Christ! From the Cross to the Throne, God had us in mind! Right now, I am thinking that Jesus had me in mind.. Me.. Olawunmi Bog Abraham in his very thoughts as he died! He thought, 'If by believing in me, Bog would receive eternal life and function in freedom...Then, it's worth me dying'! And he died! I matter to God... Once I understand this, others will begin to matter to me! One Scripture that inspires me is 1 John 2:9-10, 'He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him'. No occasion for stumbling! Love is a light... In Love, we have fellowship with God.. For love is his modus operandi! The reason many believers act inconsistent with who they really are in Christ is because  they are not acquainted with the reality that God loves them. In the revelation of God's love is the powerlessness of lust! This is the Spirit's dream; that we are suffused with the consciousness of God's love and that our every thought, word and act is inundated with God's love! That's the way we will be fitted functionally with all of God's fullness- Ephesians 3:19! #PerfectLove #Pleroma

Yield yourself as...

Romans 6:13, 'Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God'. The Word, 'yield' is from the Greek, 'paristēmi'. It means to 'present as, to recommend'. Let me give this example to elucidate. If you were called for an interview and you were asked to present your birth certificate. The document that would be presented would be shown because it’s the required document. In the same way, you should ‘Present’ your body as Instruments of righteousness, tools that have been consecrated and made for carrying out the righteous purposes of God. Hitherto, it was the body of sin, now in Christ; it’s the instrument of righteousness. The Word, 'Instrument' is from the Greek word, 'Hoplon'. Hoplon refers to a tool made for a purpose! Our bodies are now tools crafted, made purposely for righteousness! For this cause, we live to our true calling; using our body to carry out God's righteous will! Glory! #Pleroma

Monday, June 16, 2014

He Accomplished YOU!

Often, in our analysis of the finished works of Christ, we talk about how he accomplished, through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, the reconciliation with man, etc. But, we have left out the most important accomplishment of all; US! Christianity isn't just the message of forgiveness of sins, it's the revelation of the recreation! Ephesians 2:15, 'Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;'.  Look at this; he made in himself, one New man! I would like us to look at two key words,  'Make' and 'New'. The word, 'make' derives from the Greek word, 'ktizo'. 'Ktizo' means to 'manufacture, to fabricate'. The word, 'New' is translated from the Greek, 'kainos'. 'Kainos' refers to 'something unprecedented, something novel, something which was never in existence until now'. Putting the two concepts together, we see this: 'Christ fabricated in himself, an unprecedented man'. The subject matter of the New Creation is the most neglected in the discourses of the Christian faith. Yet, it's the most pertinent! Jesus made US possible! If any man be in Christ, he is a New Creation! And this New Creation is created essentially righteous and Holy -Ephesians 4:24. He made US possible! How God needs us to understand this! You are not some helpless, puny thing! You are the epitome of God's strength! Let's look at 2 Corinthians 3:5-6, 'Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit:'. True, we didn't take the initiative to be sufficient! But, he didn't just give us his sufficiency, he MADE us ABLE!  The word, 'able' is from the Greek, 'hikanoo'  which means, 'to be up to the task'. He has created us 'up to the task'! So, I consider myself, UP TO THE TASK! Christ is the place of the New Creation! The New Creation is God's answer to the world's problem of sin and satan! The New Creation has a New Identity; Christ! If you are born again; you are a New Creation! All you need to do is to look into Christ as your mirror and the Spirit of God will conform your experiences to this truth! #Autarkeia #Pleroma

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A sense of worthiness!

The mystery of Christ supplies us  a commensurate mindset. What is the mystery of Christ? This mystery is, 'Christ in you, the hope of glory'- Colossians 1:27. Ephesians 1:8-9, 'Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:'.  What a conception! Do you understand this? Here, the Apostle Paul relays the mind of the Spirit of God; Having made known the mystery, God has enriched us in all wisdom and prudence. The word, 'prudence' is translated from the Greek word, 'Phronesis'. Phronesis refers to, 'a mindset, a certain way of reasoning that determines your actions'.  In other words, with the revelation of the mystery of Christ, there is an abundant supply of Phronesis; the Phronesis of the Just -Luke 1:17. How does the recreated man think; what's his mindset?  Often, we utter expressions thinking we are humble; when in reality, they are expressions of our ignorance of the things of. God. For instance, we have being taught that we aren't worthy of God's blessings and we aren't deserving of his goodness. That's not true! Yes, on our merit, nobody deserves God's goodness. But, his love for us has made us DESERVING! Did you know that you were qualified for every of God's blessings? Colossians 1:12, 'and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.' (NIV). Look at this expression; who has QUALIFIED you... He could have simply said, 'He has given you a share in his inheritance.. ' He has QUALIFIED us; made us worthy and deserving! This gives us a PHRONESIS of Qualification; a SENSE OF WORTHINESS!  So, we aren't the unworthy supplicants before a fearful God, we are children qualified to receive an inheritance. Indeed, we are COMPLETE in Christ! He made us so! We are God's excellent workmanship; his signature-creation ordained to show forth his awesome divine character! #Autarkeia #Pleroma

Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Special Gift for you!

May 18th is a very special day in my life; it's my birthday! And to celebrate this day, the Spirit of God has laid it my heart to give everyone a special gift. I would be giving out free copies of my book,  'Christ in you' in the PDF format. It's an inspiring material that would surely set you on the course of experiencing the victorious, transcendent life in Christ which I am devoted to proclaiming! Download your free copy @ or ! When you do, be sure to tell your friends about it and have them download their free copies too! God bless you and thank you  for sharing this joyful day  with me! #Grace #Pleroma

Pastor Olawunmi Abraham President, God's DreamWorld

Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Jesus for today...

Our Jesus is a Jesus for today. The scriptures give us some interesting descriptions about who God is and in effect who Jesus is. Psalm 46:1, '....God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.'  The name, 'Jesus' is the Greek translation of the name, 'Joshua'. The name, 'Joshua', means, 'Yahweh is my Salvation'. You know, many people look at salvation only from the 'sin' aspect. That's true, but, God also saved us from the effects of sin, viz; sickness, disease, poverty etc. God isn't just interested in the eternal fate of our souls, he is very interested in our present! Like our opening Scripture says, he is a 'VERY PRESENT HELP'. He is very interested in what goes on in your day-to-day affairs. He is very concerned about what happens in your family, business, finances, academics etc. Why? Because, he loves you.....deeply! And then, you are his only voice in your sphere of influence and he seeks to manifest his glory through you,  for others to see and come to him. You know, some people think we should be so 'heavenly minded' that any attention on earthly affairs is deemed a sin. Jesus never thinks this way. I am inspired by what Jesus did in one of his crusades. He preached the eternal message of the Gospel of the kingdom to the people. Yet, he took notice that they were hungry and out of compassion, he fed them. Have you ever wondered why Jesus heals sick bodies, even though they are temporary? Why did he bother to raise Lazarus? He didn't do it to prove he was all powerful. He did all these for a single reason; love! The Gospel of Jesus has the promise of this life and that which is to come -1 Timothy 4:8. What a joy to know that Jesus is to me and you, a Jesus for today! #Light #Pleroma

Sunday, April 20, 2014

How to locate your Spirit.

I have found out that many of God's children do not know where their spirit is and therefore, function appropriately from it. Yet, the Spirit of man is where God relates with us from. Proverbs 20:27 tells us, 'The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.' The word, 'candle' is from the Hebrew, 'neer'. 'Neer' means 'light'. In other words, our spirits are God's lights in us; he leads us from our spirits. Therefore, it's crucial to properly locate our spirits and learn how to function from there. How then do I locate my spirit? Hebrews 4:12, 'For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.' The phrase, 'dividing asunder' in the Greek is the word, 'merismos'. It means to, 'separate, partition, split'. Now, this is interesting! Take note of the character of this verse. It's talking about the ability of God's word to do the humanly impossible. Firstly, it divides asunder the soul and spirit. Then, the joint and marrow. This gives us an insight into the character of the spirit; the spirit is conjoined with the mind. So much so that it takes God's Word to properly distinguish them. Some things we perceive as coming from our spirits are from our souls and can be wrong. For instance, a lot of us think that when we feel peace about something, then our spirits are at peace and therefore, it's of God. Not exactly so. Jesus certainly was troubled about going to the cross, yet it was God's perfect will for him. So, you need to locate your spirit! How? Through the Word! God's Word has the ability to distinguish between your soul and spirit. When you give yourself to the Word by meditation and confession of same, the more you will function from your spirit and walk in God's perfect will for you through faith! What a light God has granted us, that we may walk in his circumspection! #Light #Pleroma

Serving God from your Spirit.

It's important we understand the prescribed order of things in the New testament. We live unto God, primarily, from our Spirits. Romans 1:9, 'For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers;' We serve God from our Spirits! This was God's dream all along, when we would serve him in Spirit and in truth-John 4:23. To worship in Spirit and in truth tells us that worship from the Spirit is the real and authentic way to worship! Why is this so important to God? This is because of what our Spirits mean to God. The Spirit is the Seat of Righteousness; that's where we have been made righteous. For the Bible says, 'With the heart man believes unto righteousness..'- Romans 10:10. The heart is where Grace dwells - Colossians 3:16. That's where God has accomplished his work in us. When we live from our Spirits, we 'work out' that which God has done in our Spirits. Live from your Spirit by acknowledging all God has made you in Christ; renewing your mind through the Word and praying in tongues. Experience Zoe, God's very life by living from your Spirit. #Light #Pleroma

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Supplies to your faith.

Our faith is most important  in our Christian journey. Our faith grants us access to God's saving Grace. Also, faith keeps us standing in God's Grace as we expect the Lord's Glorious coming. How then do we cooperate with God to keep our faith afire? The Word of God tells us just how. 2 Peter 1:5-7, 'And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.' The word, 'add' is from the Greek word, 'epichoregeo' which means to 'supply, supplement, sponsor'. Notice that it starts with 'add to your faith virtue...' not 'add to virtue faith....' In other words, these things are 'supplies' to our faith. Therefore, they must not be mistaken as a set of 'works' we must do to please God. These are things that aid our faith for maximal effectiveness. The result of this is; '... Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:..' (verse 10). Why is it that if we do these, we would never fall? Because, they help our faith, for by faith we stand -2 Corinthians 1:24. Our faith is an adventure of trust, our trust in his ability. When we give attention to these things, our faith walk becomes more effective. Glory to God for his light! #Light #Pleroma

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Do you know?

As I study God's word and see through the eyes of the Spirit, I see God's plans and purposes. You know, when we preach the Gospel of the Grace of God, many are quick to point out that it's not a license to sin. Indeed, it's not. But, it's sad that many of God's people are yet to be acquainted with the truth of what God did concerning sin. Do you know what God did concerning sin? Let me tell you: he made Jesus sin and by his predetermination, Jesus died. What's the result of this? Romans 6:7, 'For he that is dead is freed from sin.' 1 Peter 4:1-2, 'Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.' Have you realized this? Do you reckon it so? God's Word gives an accurate diagnosis of the state of the believer who meddles in sin. 2 Peter 1:9, 'But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.' The one who sins has forgotten he is no longer a sinner, no longer at war with God. Righteousness consciousness is the mother of right living. Bless God for that which his love has wrought for us in Christ Jesus! #Light #Pleroma

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Unity of Faith.

Faith has a ministry that is oblivious to so many believers. Ephesians 4:13, 'Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:'. What is the unity of the Faith? Really, the term 'Unity of the Faith' is somewhat an assumed translation. A more accurate translation will be, 'the unanimity of faith' or the 'oneness of faith'. Studying carefully, you'll find out that what that verse really means is, 'the oneness faith perpetuates, that faith accomplishes'. To further understand this, Hebrews 4:2  gives tremendous help; ' because we have had the good news told to us as well as to them. But the message they heard did not help them, because they were not united by faith with those who listened to it.' The word, 'unite' comes from a Greek word, 'Sugkerannumai'. It means, 'to become one indistinguishable, homogeneous whole with something in reference'. The 'thing' in reference is the Word. Faith, therefore brings us into a union of experience with God's Word. Matthew 9:29, 'He touched their eyes and said, “Become what you believe.”' (Message Bible). John 12:36, ' While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light...' God's dream is that we come into the oneness that faith perpetuates, both individually and collectively. What an experience that would be! Take the Word as a mirror and by faith through the Spirit, you will be  changed into the same image from glory to glory -2 Corinthians 3:18. #Enoikeo #Pleroma

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Towards Perfection....

We have been called unto perfection as those who have been perfected in their Spirits. Our understanding of perfection would determine how much we express that 'already-accomplished' perfection in our Spirits. We must understand the scope of the work of Christ. It wasn't just to merely forgive us or to justify us, but to make us God's righteousness; his perfection! The life we live today is for a purpose; expressing that perfection! We must understand that  perfection is in degrees; to the degree that we are filled with the revelation of who we are in Christ and who Christ is in us! Ephesians 4:13, 'Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:' This is remarkable! Here we are told that the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the son of God are unto a perfect man. The Word, 'unto' is from the Greek word, 'eis'. 'Eis' means, 'towards an end, for the purpose of'. 'Unity' is from the Greek word, 'henotes'. It means, 'oneness, unanimity'.  The unity of the faith is our degree of unanimity with truth. It's that oneness which faith perpetuates. God's purpose for faith is to lead us into a oneness of experience and participation with what we believe. The knowledge of the son of God is that revelation of the son of God that makes us his fleshly expressions. These all lead to the perfect man; the fullness of Christ! More than ever before, there is a need to look into the mirror of God's Word and agree with God that we are whosoever he says we are! Then, we would be changed from one level of glory, one level of perfection to another- 2 Corinthians 3:18. This is God's grand dream! #Pleroma

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Shining through the Word.

We have been called apart by God and separated unto God as a Holy nation. We are no longer of the world; our affections belong to another! The Scriptures tell us in Romans 12:2, 'And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind....' In other words, we are not to have same form as the world, but be transformed. To be transformed is what we have been called unto and this transformation takes place as we renew our minds through his Word. We are God's lights in this world. We have been called to shine as children of light- Ephesians 5:8. In a time were perverse influences are at a record high and many believers are compromising, the need to call our attention to our high calling in God is very pertinent. Also, I write to help those who are entangled in the web of peer pressure. How do we function as the righteousness of God we are? Philippians 2:15-16, 'That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life;.....' God has called us to shine his light; his true light in the midst of a perverse world. It's possible to function uprightly in the midst of sinners. It's not hard. God has a wisdom for matters like this; his Word! We shine as lights through his Word! His Glorious life is revealed as we look into the mirror of God's Word. He has called us to demonstrate a life alien to this world. A life of love that doesn't hurt his neighbor, a life that is full of faith and the miraculous; God's very life which is beyond the vagaries of life managed by sin. He has called us to be his lights in the World and we shine through his Word! The Word is your life, endorse it as such, by thinking, talking and acting the Word. When you do so, you function as the light that God has made you! #Pleroma

Instruction in Righteousness.

God's Word has a ministry in us towards cultivating a lifestyle consistent with God's will. 2 Timothy 3:16, 'All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:' My emphasis is on the last part of the verse, 'Instruction in righteousness.' It's interesting to note that the verse doesn't read, 'Instruction FOR righteousness' but 'Instruction IN righteousness'. So, we don't obey the Word to become righteous. The word, 'IN' is very instructive. It's translated from a Greek word, 'En'. 'En' is a 'primary preposition that denotes a fixed position in a place, time or thing'. This is remarkable! This means we are instructed as those who are in a fixed position of Righteousness! This is wonderful! We are righteous! Now, through his Word, we are instructed in how to function as what we are. The number one instruction in righteousness is;  faith in Jesus imparts righteousness. Righteousness is independent of good works yet produces  them. When you understand that you are righteous in God, you'd experience the divine working of Christ within you producing good works -Philippians 1:11. We have been called to imitate God, not as observant disciples, not as obedient servants, but as well beloved Children -Ephesians 5:1. It's a mind blowing truth! We can because the one who begat us can! So, stop that talk of not being able to overcome that habit. The one who is your elder brother was without sin -Hebrews 4:15. If Jesus did so, you too can! Bless God for his Word on righteousness! #Enoikeo #Pleroma

'Katalambano' God's Love for you!

The most personal thing in the world is to be a Christian! There is something that every Christian should comprehend and apprehend; God's love! Ephesians 3:18, 'May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;' The word, 'comprehend' is derived from the Greek word, 'Katalambano'. Katalambano refers to, 'a seizing, to make one's own, to appropriate'. It means to take something and make it yours! God's Word to you today is to make his love yours! Some believe God loves everybody, but they don't believe God has a personal affection for them. Yet, it's the love of God that is the ground work for all God has wrought for us in Christ! Apostle John was such a marvellous epitome of this truth; hence, the miraculous life he lived! Our  'Katalambano' of God's love leads to verse 19: And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. The love of Christ leads us into functioning in the Completeness of God! We function in his divinity and as divinity! As you study the Word, put yourself in God's description of the New Creation, that way, your Spirit will be opened to 'Katalambano' God's love! What a life! #Enoikeo #Pleroma

The Miraculous ability 'Enoikeos' within you!

There is so much granted us in Christ; an inheritance unfathomable, an advantage supreme! One of these things is the opportunity for POWER; God's miraculous ability to dwell in us! Power is the ability to make change happen. God has granted us this power to abide in us. Acts 1:8, 'But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you:..' The word, 'power' is translated from the Greek word, 'Dunamis'. It refer to the, 'inherent, indwelling power, ability resident in something or someone'. That's the power Jesus said we received when the Holy Ghost came into us. All you require for that healing is within you, that business change is within you! God answers you according to the power that works within you - Ephesians 3:20. The Kingdom of God; his pervading influence is within you- Luke 17:20. What a joy to realize we can change things! How? Through prayer, especially praying in tongues! James 5:16, 'The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].' Make power available! Pray in faith and in the Spirit! #Enoikeo #Pleroma

Let the Word dwell in you richly....

Colossians 3:16 tells us the most practical way to come under the controlling influence of the Word of Christ. It reads thus, 'Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.' The word, 'dwell' is the Greek word,  'Enoikeo'. Enoikeo refers to the indwelling, controlling influence at work in a man. God is asking for the Word (Greek -Logos; doctrine, teaching) of Christ to come to a point of controlling influence in your life. Wow! In other Words, you'd begin to function in his will and purposes more accurately. But, how is this accomplished? We are told in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual songs. Psalms are Spiritual poems magnifying God and detailing his thoughts towards himself and us, his Church. Hymns are odes of praise unto God based on his revelations to you. Spiritual songs are songs that have been inspired by God's Spirit, usually they come in other tongues. This is so wonderful. Doing these, there is a mingling, a communion with the Spirit that brings God's word to a point of control in our lives. You become aligned to God's plan as the Holy Ghost effects that alignment in your Spirit! Plus this, you are also filled with the Holy Ghost -Ephesians 5:18. Words are terribly limiting in describing such a phenomenon. My charge to you is to set yourself loose in these things and experience them. A good way to start is praying in other tongues. #Enoikeo #Pleroma

That Christ may dwell....

One of the Greatest prayers and indeed, God's dream for his children is found in Ephesians 3:16-19, ' be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.' This is mind-blowing! First, we are introduced to the invigorating ministry of God's Spirit in us which will lead to the Indwelling of Christ in us! The Indwelling here doesn't suggest that Christ was absent before. The Word used was, 'Kataoikeo' which means, 'to dwell in something or someone such as to become it's CONTROLLING and PERVADING influence.'  This is where Christ consumes us totally and that interpenetration that occurred in our spirits at salvation is furthered for expression externally. Then, we get acquainted with plumbing the dimensions of God's love in which we know  the love of Christ that passes all knowledge. Remarkable! To have knowledge that passes knowledge? Yes sir! The word, 'knowledge', in the first instance is, 'Ginosko', which is knowledge of acquaintance; it's a deep and intimate knowledge facilitated by God's Spirit as he leads us into experiencing the realities of God. The second instance is translated from, 'Gnosis', which is mere scientific knowledge, knowledge acquired by study. This, 'Ginosko' which supersedes, 'Gnosis' leads us into an experience beyond comprehension; all the fullness of God! This is too much! All of God's totality at work in me? Yes sir! I pray for you today that this ministry is accomplished in you by God's Spirit! #Enoikeo #Pleroma

Let the Word dwell in you richly....

Colossians 3:16 tells us the most practical way to come under the controlling influence of the Word of Christ. It reads thus, 'Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.' The word, 'dwell' is the Greek word,  'Enoikeo'. Enoikeo refers to the indwelling, controlling influence at work in a man. God is asking for the Word (Greek -Logos; doctrine, teaching) of Christ to come to a point of controlling influence in your life. Wow! In other Words, you'd begin to function in his will and purposes more accurately. But, how is this accomplished? We are told in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual songs. Psalms are Spiritual poems magnifying God and detailing his thoughts towards himself and us, his Church. Hymns are odes of praise unto God based on his revelations to you. Spiritual songs are songs that have been inspired by God's Spirit, usually they come in other tongues. This is so wonderful. Doing these, there is a mingling, a communion with the Spirit that brings God's word to a point of control in our lives. You become aligned to God's plan as the Holy Ghost effects that alignment in your Spirit! Plus this, you are also filled with the Holy Ghost -Ephesians 5:18. Words are terribly limiting in describing such a phenomenon. My charge to you is to set yourself loose in these things and experience them. A good way to start is praying in other tongues. #Enoikeo #Pleroma

Friday, March 7, 2014

A special kind of Newness!

The Words of Scripture were carefully chosen by the Spirit to reveal God's heart. When God's Spirit opens your eyes, indeed, you'd declare, 'What manner of love is this?' Have you ever pondered why God will call the believer, a 'New Creation'? Why not, a repaired sinner, a reformed human or a  justified sinner? So, what does it mean to be a New Creation? It's more than a cliche! The understanding of what it means to be a New Creation is the basis for a victorious Christian life. The word, 'New' in 2 Corinthians 5:17 is from the Greek word, 'kainos'. I would like to take the time to properly explain 'Kainos'. To be a 'New' Creation isn't the same thing as being a, 'New born' baby. To express such, the Greeks use another word, 'neos' which talks about a, 'Newness in age and occurrence'. Many have thought that's what it means to be a New Creation; our slates wiped clean by the blood of Jesus, only to face the same challenges of sin and satan. Nothing could be further from the truth! The Word, 'Kainos' refers to, 'an unprecedented phenomenon', 'something (or someone) that is New (novel) in Essence, Substance and Quality!' It's the difference between your old cat and your New dog! Glory! So, you are a New Creation, different in essence, form, substance and quality from the old sinner who passed away! The New you has a New origin; he's of God (2 Corinthians 5:18). Hence, he is New with respect to righteousness, as the old man was sinful! Living according to this consciousness is God's will- Galatians 6:15-16. Glory to God for his wondrous riches in Christ! #Pleroma

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

That Christ may dwell....

One of the Greatest prayers and indeed, God's dream for his children is found in Ephesians 3:16-19, ' be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.' This is mind-blowing! First, we are introduced to the invigorating ministry of God's Spirit in us which will lead to the Indwelling of Christ in us! The Indwelling here doesn't suggest that Christ was absent before. The Word used was, 'Kataoikeo' which means, 'to dwell in something or someone such as to become it's CONTROLLING and PERVADING influence.'  This is where Christ consumes us totally and that interpenetration that occurred in our spirits at salvation is furthered for expression externally. Then, we get acquainted with plumbing the dimensions of God's love in which we know  the love of Christ that passes all knowledge. Remarkable! To have knowledge that passes knowledge? Yes sir! The word, 'knowledge', in the first instance is, 'Ginosko', which is knowledge of acquaintance; it's a deep and intimate knowledge facilitated by God's Spirit as he leads us into experiencing the realities of God. The second instance is translated from, 'Gnosis', which is mere scientific knowledge, knowledge acquired by study. This, 'Ginosko' which supersedes, 'Gnosis' leads us into an experience beyond comprehension; all the fullness of God! This is too much! All of God's totality at work in me? Yes sir! I pray for you today that this ministry is accomplished in you by God's Spirit! #Enoikeo #Pleroma


As I study God's word, a lot of times, I am moved to tears a lot of times! Why? God's wisdom and God's love revealed! You know I read Romans 4:5, 'But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.' That's beautiful! But, as I studied the old testament, I saw something interesting in Exodus 23:7, 'Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked.' Here, God says he doesn't justify the ungodly; the wicked! So, what's up? Did God change his mind? But, God's word never passes away; it's eternal! The old covenant has it's eternal purposes accomplished in the New! Does God justify an ungodly man? The answer is NO! I heard that gasp.. Lol. But, the Word teaches that he does justify the ungodly! Yes! But, how? He does this by killing the ungodly man and raising a New Creation! So, it's not the old sinner that received the justification, it was the New Creation that received that justification! We  must understand where our justification took place. It wasn't at the Cross; the Cross was the place of the price-payment for the remission of sins! The old man died on the Cross! Romans 4:25 tells us  where justification took place; at his resurrection! He arose with a New kind of life, we arose as New Creations of God with the vital nature of God's righteousness and holiness! So, God didn't just save you from sin; he gave you a New being and heart free from the consciousness of sin; perfected forever by his eternal sacrifice-Hebrews 10:14. God has called us to reckon this as our true reality today -Romans 6:11! It's our reckoning that makes it our immediate experience -Romans 12:2! Praise God for such divine realities granted us! #Pleroma

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Indwelling Helper!

As I contemplate the inherent presence of the Spirit in me, I am elated and full of joy! Why? He is the end of my search for satisfaction! That the Spirit of God lives in us literally is a wonder lacking description! Let's look at some of the descriptions that Jesus gave about the Spirit and his work in us! John 4:14, 'But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.' We know he speaks of the Spirit when we read John 7:38. It's interesting to note that Jesus didn't  say to the thirsty, 'I will quench your thirst'. His promises were beyond that! He said, 'the water I shall give you, shall be IN you, a well of water...' That's great! Complete, total and enduring satisfaction! We don't need satisfaction from anywhere else; the Spirit in us is all the satisfaction we need! Let's study further in John 14:16-17, ' And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
............; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.' In you! The Comforter lives in you as a believer who has received the Holy Ghost! The Word, 'Comforter' is from the Greek word, 'paracletos'. It means, 'one granted to go alongside to help, aid, support and supply'. This is who the Holy Ghost is, IN  us! No wonder God answers all our prayers according to the power that works  IN us- Ephesians 3:20!  This is why fear is unnecessary, the Spirit is the spirit of power, love and a sound mind- 2 Timothy 1:7! Rejoice and celebrate the Indwelling helper and watch him seamlessly bring the perfection of God into all you do! #Enoikeo #Pleroma

Saturday, March 1, 2014

How to function in the Victory over sin.

God's word is God's answer to everything! God has done something regarding sin; we must become aware of this. He made Jesus sin and killed him! Now, the body of sin has been destroyed. The question is: if this is true, how do I function in the victory over sin? The answer is let the reality of your victory over sin sink into you! Through the word, these realities become our immediate experiences. I hear someone say, 'Yeah, right, been there, done that!' Perhaps, you heard this before  and were excited and you tried it, but it didn't seem to work. Now, you think that the whole 'Grace' message is a Scam. I understand you. But, the problem wasn't the Word, it was with you. The Scriptures tell us how God's word bears fruit in our lives in Luke 8:15, 'But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it,and bring forth fruit with patience.' The word brings forth fruit with 'Patience'. You aren't going to stop all those habits in one day. Infact, satan will tempt you the more. Why? Because, he is after the Word of truth you have received! But, stay strong in your faith, conscious that God's word is true. With patience, that Word will produce what it talks about. You are still righteous and holy! Another thing is to realize that a sinful thought and a temptation aren't equal to sin! Jesus was tempted too. Don't let the devil badger you with guilt, which really is the fuel for the act of sin! You are God's righteousness by nature and making this your constant consciousness through patience is what helps you function in the victory over sin! God bless you! #Pleroma

Friday, February 28, 2014

Studying under the True light!

There are different kinds of lights and under each of these lights, things are seen in a certain kind of way. That's why you might go to a boutique that has blue lighting and purchase what seemed to be a white shirt but,  when you step out into the sun, you realized it was a cream or sky blue shirt. In studying scriptures, it's the same thing. Often times, we study according to the 'lights' of our favorite preachers, the 'lights' of our denominations. But, brothers and sisters, there is a 'True' light! His name is Jesus! He is what to see and how to see in scriptures! Often, we look into the Word to substantiate our beliefs, instead of allowing God's Word create them. Many see different things in the Word, but, God calls us to see one person; Jesus! John 5:13, 'Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.' The Scriptures reveal Christ. The Spirit of God helps us to see Christ in the Word- John 15:26. Oh, how important this is! And when we see Jesus in the Word, all factions will cease! Oh, how I long for the unity of the Faith! Furthermore, we mustn't jettison the ministry of the Spirit in guiding us  into all truth. Truth isn't a 'theological' concept, it's an experience. He brings us into fellowship with God; a literal rendezvous! When you look to Jesus through the Spirit, walking in love, you couldn't go wrong. Trust the Spirit, he is God's appointed custodian of truth -1 John 2:27. God bless you! #Pleroma

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why and how people believe.

Nobody is going to believe simply because God 'chose' them to salvation. Then, why and how do people believe? Romans 10:13-15, 'For every one whoever should call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call upon whom they believed not? and how shall they believe whom they heard not? and how shall they hear without him proclaiming?And how shall they proclaim, except they be sent? as has been written, How beautiful the feet of them announcing good news, peace, of them announcing good things!' (SLT). Anybody who would call upon the name of the Lord would be saved. But, they won't call until they believe and nobody will believe until they hear the message. Nobody will tell them until a preacher is sent. Jesus said to pray the Lord of the Harvest to send labourers into the field (Matthew 9:23). We have got to preach the Gospel! The Gospel is the annunciation of the magnanimity of God; his love, his kindness, his saving power, his healing power, his prospering power. This is the good news; that man, vile and wicked, can now, by Christ, become God's very righteousness! Let's tell the world! #TheVision #Pleroma

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Best of us!

The great man of God, John Wesley said , 'The best of us is God with us'. How inspiring! That's true, but there is a Greater truth which includes this. The Greater truth is, 'The best of us is God IN US!' Jesus came to us as, 'Emmanuel' - God with us! He healed, delivered and changed the stories of men! But, God had a bigger dream, so big it took Emmanuel to the Cross! What's this dream? That dream is, 'En-Theos'! En-Theos is a Greek phrase meaning, 'God within'! God's mystery hid before the foundation of the world is, 'Christ IN you!' His presence IN you facilitated by the Holy Spirit! In John 14:10-14, Jesus attributes his miraculous lifestyle to the Holy Ghost. Then, he says the believer would be empowered to do same because he would be going to his Father. The question is, what's the implication of his going to the Father? John 16:7 tells it all! The indwelling presence of the Comforter, perpetuating the active presence of the Father and son in us, that's Christianity! The best of us is God IN us, and if he is IN us, he is WITH  us! Just to think that the blessed 'Paraclete'; the Helper and succourer given to go alongside is IN me! I have all that I need and want! I am competent! I function at God's maximum best for me! The Spirit in me, is a well of water springing up into eternal life -John 4:14. Now, the presence of God is in me in very real way and I am his transportation in this world! Glory! The best of me is God IN me! #TheVision #Pleroma

Monday, February 10, 2014

Jesus; the manifested Zoe!

1 John 1:2, ' (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it,and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)'. John here is referring to Jesus as the Life revealed! He was the revelation of the Life which was hitherto exclusive to the Father! This is remarkable! In other words, his sojourn on earth was a revelation of the potentialities of Zoe, when tabernacled in a human body! Zoe multiplied bread, cast out devils, raised the dead etc! It's the life that characterizes the Father as supernatural! Jesus came to reveal what Zoe could do and the Apostles gave testimony to it. That's inspiring! But, utterly mind blowing is to read that we have ZOE ourselves! - 1 John 5:13. Little wonder Jesus said in John 14:12, 'Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.' Why? The believer has eternal life! -John 3:16. That's the life of the miraculous! Christ in you, indeed, is the hope of glory! #Pleroma

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Divine Oneness.

Christianity is a celebration of the Divine Oneness! What is the Divine Oneness? The Divine Oneness is the result of the Divine Union! The Divine Union is described in Romans 7:4, where we read we have been MADE the Lord. We have been  brought into such a beautiful union with him that we bear his image. This has resulted in the divine union. 1 Corinthians 6:17, 'But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.' This is how God thinks of the Lord Jesus and us! One Spirit! Not two Spirits in agreement; One Spirit! The Word, 'One' is from the Greek, 'Eis'. It denotes a singular unit of something. So, we are One homogeneous, indistinguishable, indivisible entity with the Lord! The Flesh of His Flesh and the bones of his bones- Ephesians 5:30; this is who we are with the Lord of the Universe! His life flows through us and his nature is ours! Resultantly, his will is now our will, his dream is now ours and his ability and authority, ours! We function as one unit in making God's dream come true around the world. This is the reason we don't sin; we are one with the Lord! -1 Corinthians 6:15. Celebrate this divine oneness and see God's Glory revealed in your life like never before! #TheVision #Pleroma

Life in the Light of Grace!

1 Corinthians 15:10, 'But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace...' This is wonderful! This is an inspiring scripture that helps us discover our identity in the light of Grace. The Apostle tells us, 'I am what I am by Grace'! The question to us today is; what are we by Grace? The Christian life is a Grace rendezvous navigated through by faith-Romans 4:16. Grace is a light. In other words, Grace defines; for light is that which describes. So, what are we in the light of Grace? Ephesians 2:4-5, 'But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins,hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)'. God's love expressed by Grace has quickened us, made us alive in Christ! Romans 3:24, 'Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:'. We have been made righteous by Grace! By Grace, we have been made joint heirs with Christ -Romans 8:17. His unreasonable love has made us bonafide sons of God- 1 John 3:1. We received of Christ's fullness (Grace)-John 1:16 to become his fullness- Ephesians 1:23. Now, the First begotten son has become the very mirror of our Spirits-2 Corinthians 3:18! Grace has brought us into the divine union  and oneness- 1 Corinthians 6:17. See yourself in the light of Grace; Holy, Unblameable and unreproachable- Colossians 1:22. #TheVision #Pleroma

Thursday, February 6, 2014

God's Dream!

Does God have a dream? Sure, he does! What is it? 2 Corinthians 5:19, 'To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.' This is his dream, his purposes in Christ! This reconciliation has afforded us the opportunity to be partakers of his divinity! Plus this, we are members of Christ, his body which is his completeness-Ephesians 1:23! God calls us Christ- 2 Corinthians 6:15-16. We are the  complete expression of Christ today! He has a bigger dream, that we come into the fullness of Christ and grow up into him in all things-Ephesians 4:13-15. That's what we set out to do with the Word and the influence of the Spirit at God's DreamWorld! #DreamWorldDay #TheVision  #Pleroma

Monday, February 3, 2014

What God needs us to repent from.

The number one thing God needs us to repent from is self effort. Self effort are the dead works that we should repent from -Hebrews 6:1, 9:14, 10:1-4. They frustrate the grace of God at best. The blood of Jesus came to cleanse our consciences from the need of dead works, that by the work of Christ, through the blood of Christ, we might serve the living God!- Hebrews 9:14. We must understand the modus operandi of the Christian life to live it effectively. Galatians 2:20, ' I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.' The Christian life is Christ, living, loving and operating in a man and through that man. What energizes this is our faith, our utter dependence on him. We must be  confident that Christ alone  is able to save us to the uttermost- Hebrews 7:25. He doesn't start the process for us to complete it by our goodness. It must be him and him alone! He is author and finisher of our faith- Hebrews 12:2. When we understand this, we come into a place of effectual rest in him! He lives out his holiness through us, we don't try of ourselves to be! He is holy and therefore we are. As we meditate on this, it becomes real to our senses and we will walk consistently with this truth and find the ease and rest the master promised! #TheVision #Pleroma

What is repentance?

You know, as we preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, proclaiming the grace of God independent of man's goodness, many questions are asked. Two major questions  are, 'Shall we sin that Grace may abound?' and 'What about repentance?' To the first, the answer is clear: No. Why? The one under grace is dead to sin. The second is what I am giving full attention to in this post. I believe that the subject of repentance has been grossly misunderstood today. I'll start by saying that repentance is not a change of act but a change of heart. Jesus thought so too in Matthew 23:26, ' Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.' The word, 'repentance', comes from a Greek word, 'metanoia'. It means, 'a change of mind'. For many, it's to stop doing the wrong thing. Well, not necessarily. If our stopping of bad deeds was the repentance God was looking for, then the work of Jesus was unnecessary. - Galatians 2:21. Repentance is a change of heart towards God. Scripturally, Faith is repentance. Because Faith is believing on God, while not trusting self. That believing is what makes you a slave of righteousness who is the only man who can only live right -Romans 6:17-18. John the Baptist's ministry was to call people to repentance. Let's look at the prophecy given concerning him in Luke 1:17, '.... to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people..' Notice that he said, 'to turn...the disobedient to the wisdom of the just'. The word, 'disobedient' in the Greek is 'apiethes' which means, 'unpersuadable, unconvincable, unbelieving'. The wisdom of the just is Faith. Therefore, John was to  turn unbelieving folks to Faith. Romans 4:5 tells us that the one that has faith independent of works is justified before God. Therefore, repentance can not mean to stop doing wrong. That a man stops doing wrong doesn't make him right. Jesus told his disciples in John 15:3, 'Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.' How did he know? What act did they do to prove they were clean? He knew the efficacy of his Word. Only a man who has repented can do right, not the other way round. 'Christianity, from start to finish, must be lived in utter dependence on Christ'- Watchman Nee. Repentance is necessary, as we must continually look away from ourselves unto Christ's efficacious work. As the Israelites looked away from trying to help themselves from the venomous serpent bites unto that which God provided, the brazen serpent, so also must the believers look away from self effort, unto who God lovingly provided, Jesus; only then will the power of sin be literally broken and we can function as what we really are, God's righteousness! #TheVision #Pleroma

The Sin that doth easily beset us-Hebrews 12:1

Studying the context of sin in Hebrews, the sin that doth easily beset us is doubt and unbelief. The answer to that sin is looking unto Jesus (Faith)-Hebrews 12:2. If we don't look, that sin, which is the weariness of the mind, bogs us down - Hebrews 12:4. The answer is to look, if you don't look, you will doubt. #TheVision #Pleroma

Friday, January 31, 2014

Anointed with the ‘Anointer’!

There is so much about ourselves we don’t know! Recently, I taught about the ‘Three Dimensions of the Anointing’. It’s a must-get message! One of the things I shared was on the ‘Inherency of the anointing’! Acts 1:8, ‘But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.’ The Word, ‘Power’ derives from the Greek, ‘Dunamis’! Dunamis is not just the ability to effect changes, it’s ‘the INHERENT ability to cause changes’. There is a reason why ‘Dunamis’ is used. In the Greek, Dunamis is not the only word used to denote ability. There is also ‘Ischus’, which connotes ‘force, might, ability’. Why was Dunamis used? This because the Holy Spirit was going to LIVE and OPERATE in us! It’s one thing to be anointed with power, but it’s a completely different thing when you are anointed with the ‘anointer’. Now, power has become inherent in us; this means we’ve got ALL of the anointing in us requiring no external aid. We don’t need MORE of the anointing! The One that anoints dwells in us! That’s why we can participate in the distributions of the Holy Ghost; we’ve become his operational headquarters! All you need to see that change happen in your life is in your spirit! Activate this inherent power as you speak in tongues daily!

A life of abilities!

The New Creation life is a life of abilities! This is Zoe; God's life that we possess today! It's a Grace rendezvous! Grace has supplied us with a quality of life consistent with the Zoe granted us! 2 Corinthians 9:8, ' Moreover God is able to cause, every gracious gift, to superabound unto you, in order that, having in every thing, at every time, every kind of sufficiency of your own, ye may be superabounding unto every good work;(EBR)' The Word, 'Sufficiency' is from a Greek Word, 'autarkeia'. It's the Word from which the economic system, 'Autarchy' is gotten from. It means, ' a perfect condition of life in which no aid or support is needed'. Then, we fulfill the next, 'superabound unto every good work'. Such is life for the New Creation! That we may become helpers, succourers of many, has this Grace being granted us! A life having no intrusion by external circumstances! This was what functioned for the Israelites as the journeyed from Egypt into the promised land; they carried their own atmosphere! The Holy Ghost was that atmosphere! He was cloud by day, fire by night! That same Spirit lives in us facilitating this Autarchy! Jesus said, 'I will not live you helpless'... The Helper who he promised, came! We are helped! Rejoice in this reality! #NewCreation #Pleroma

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

All of one!

Hebrews 2:11, ' For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,' . This is remarkable! Have you ever thought of yourself this way? The above scripture communicates two luxuriant thoughts, namely; we have been sanctified and we are 'all of one'! This is my state as a New Creation! What does it mean to be 'All of one'? It refers to a common origin; having a common progenitor. We are as much sons of God as Jesus is. His preeminence is in the fact that he is first born(Colossians 1:18), we are no less sons of God than he is! We have the same genes! We have been called into the super-transcendent life of God! Jesus came as an example of the potentialities of that life. We are all of one! This is the reason we live pure, because we want to live up to who we ARE, sanctified Children of God! This is what love has made us- 1 John 3:1! So, as per nature, you are equal to Jesus! Never say, 'Well, I am not Jesus, I am a mere nobody'. No! You and Jesus are all of one! Any step you want to take, ask, 'What will my big brother do?' And do it! That same ability is in you! You can surmount temptations as he did! What a discovery to know, we are all of one! Thank God for this, today and always! #NewCreation #Pleroma

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Fellowship in the Gospel.

Philippians 1:5, 'For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now;' In Christ, we are in a fellowship, a communion, a sharing together, a drinking together with God, and his children, our beloved brethren. It's a Fraternity of Divinities! It's a glorious calling into the life and lifestyle of papa God! In this fellowship, we are aware of our heavenly calling and our expected attitudes as we make our pilgrimage in this world. It's a beautiful thing; to know you are in Fellowship with God! It's utterly beyond the grid of mental comprehension! Fellowship is between beings of the same kind; equals! That's what God thinks of me as he remains pre-eminent over all! How do I function in this fellowship? Philemon 1:6, ' in such sort that thy participation in the faith should become operative in the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in us towards Christ Jesus' (Darby). This is most inspiring! Our Participation (Fellowship), in the faith becomes operative in our acknowledgment (Greek; Epignosis) of every good thing in us! That knowledge by revelation of the good things God has wrought in and for us in Christ  brings our faith, our fellowship in the Gospel, to active operation! Delve into God's Word like never before with the Help of the Spirit and see yourself becoming a more effective member of the body of Christ fulfilling the vision of our glorious head! #NewCreation #Pleroma

Monday, January 27, 2014

Understanding the Sin-principle.

It’s pertinent to understand what sin is and what Jesus did concerning it, if we would function in the victory that Jesus wrought for us. To understand this, we have to be acquainted with the Sin-Principle. Many people are acquainted with sin as an act, but the reality is , Sin is first a principle before an act. Romans 8:2, ‘For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death’. The Law of Sin and death; the Principle of sin, and its resultant consequences.
The Sin-principle is the domineering work of sin in man’s life as a result of being a progeny of Adam- Romans 5:18. The Law of Moses was the operational medium upon which exercised its destructive works in man’s life- Romans 7:4. By being born into this world, Man partook of sin and was sold to sin, helplessly- Romans 7:14. Therefore, no matter the good a man born of Adam did, he was still a sinner, because he was born of Adam. The law didn’t help, for by the law is the knowledge of sin- Romans 3:20. It’s that principle Paul talked about when he exclaimed, ‘The things I don’t want to do, I find myself doing…It’s sin that worketh in my members’- Romans 7:14-21. No matter how man tried, he could help himself! What a pitiable condition!

Enter the Law of the Spirit!

Romans 8:2-3, ‘For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:’ The One who is in Christ, has been made free from the treacherous operation of sin! Jesus DEFEATED sin, rendered it helpless, broke its power; the law- 1 Corinthians 15:56, Romans 10:4! At this point, I’d like us to know that the Law of the Spirit is the Dispensation of Grace. Romans 6:14, ‘For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.’ The Dispensation of Grace, the
Operation of Grace has freed us from the dominion of sin. Our Chief part in this lovely phenomenon is to ‘Reckon’ ourselves ‘dead to sin’. When you do this, you come before the
mirror of God and observe these as your realities; you become in experience what God as accomplished in your Spirit! We are
righteous! We are Holy and unblamable! Believe it and act that way! #NewCreation #Pleroma

Friday, January 24, 2014

Holy Insanity!

There is such a thing as holy insanity! Oh, that God's people be open to God's Spirit and move in the flow of the Spirit. If you are a child before God, he will magnify you before men! 2 Corinthians 5:13, 'For whether we be beside ourselves, it is to God: or whether we be sober, it is for your cause.' The phrase, 'besides ourselves', literally means in the Greek, 'To be insane, to have taken leave of one's senses'. This was what they thought about the first church when the Holy Ghost fell on them. You see, many people think the Holy Ghost should fit the grid of their minds; He won't! He is God! Many despise these works of the Spirit such as tongues, laughter, falling under the power etc, because they don't make sense! Yet, our appreciation of these things increases our flow in the things of the Spirit! Something funny always happens when the Holy Spirit came upon people; they ran, leaped and danced! Many haven't learned to rejoice in the Spirit. Luke 10:21, ' In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said'. The Word, 'rejoice' is the Greek, 'aggalliao' which means to, 'leap up rejoicing'. These are some of the things we do that open our minds to the ministry of the Spirit! If you aren't free before God, he can't use you. These are the things we do mostly in our privacy. This isn't an encouragement for flesh-motivated imitations of the works of the Spirit! But an encouragement to rendezvous in God's joy and function more effectively in the things of the Spirit! #NewCreation #Pleroma

Monday, January 20, 2014

Look, keep looking and don't stop looking!

There is an operational principle of the New Creation; it's how the New Creation functions! It's this: Look, keep looking and don't stop looking! We are told that the New Creation is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him-Colossians 3:10. The Word, 'Renewed', is the Greek Word, 'Anakainizo', it means to, 'activate, invigorate, to strengthen'. The Revelation-Knowledge of God is what activates the New man! But, how does this knowledge work? 2 Corinthians 3:18, ' But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.' The Glory of God is who we are! Jesus is the revelation of that Glory- 2 Corinthians 4:6! Yet, we look into him as one who looks into a mirror; what a description of who we are! But, here we get to learn how we live the New life we have been granted! James 1:23-25, ' For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein,he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.' We look into our 'Natural face' of righteousness, victory, prosperity etc! As we look, recognizing this is who we are and we keep looking, we are blessed in our deed! How are we doers of the Word? By acting consistently with our revealed nature! We don't lie, not because we want to be righteous, we speak the truth because we are created in righteousness and holiness of truth -Ephesians 4:24! As we  look, we  become in experience what we are in our Spirits! Just like the serpent was lifted up in Moses' day, and the afflicted were required to look, if only the believer will look and keep looking he would be totally transformed outwardly! Look, keep looking and don't stop looking! #NewCreation #Pleroma

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

God's Idea of a Christian!

We have celebrated the Antioch idea of who a believer is and it's high time to find out God's idea of the Christian. Firstly, I want to correct the age long impression the citizens of Antioch called us Christians because we were 'Christ-like'. That simply cannot be true as Jesus never lived in Antioch and there was no way for them (Antiochians) to know how he lived. The reason why they called us Christians is because the Apostles preached Christ, so they called them Christians, meaning 'adherents or followers of Christ'. But, we are more than followers or adherents of Christ! God's Idea of Christianity is 'CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY'. As far is God is concerned, Christianity is a celebration of the vital presence of God in a man, living and operating through that man! Christianity, as far as God's concerned, is the oneness of man and God, resulting in a NEW CREATION possessing all of God's Character! Now, we are as Righteous as God, Holy as God and as powerful as God-1 John 4:17! This is, in a nutshell is God's Idea of a Christian. I hope to put the rest in a book! #NewCreation #Pleroma