Tuesday, December 31, 2013


God was gracious to us in 2013. The ministry agenda was, ‘Increased Impact and Influence’.  It was fulfilled in every way! We held several programs and undertook several initiatives.

In the course of the year, we had several meetings where many were touched, healed and transformed by the Word of God. Such programs include:
Something Much More 2013

DreamWorld Conference 2013

Friday Bible Seminars

Ouranos 2.0

Visit to Landmark University

Floor Meetings
       And several others

In 2013, the ministry year of Increased Impact and Influence, God added to us 5 team members who are passionate about the vision of God’s DreamWorld. In the course of the year, we commended two missionary-pastors: Victor Alichi and Ibukunoluwa Shorinwa and one minister; Gare Aganbi. We also have two other wonderful folks, Brother Joshua and Sister Chichi. Though them, there has been increased impact and influence.

Indeed, God was gracious in granting us ministry opportunities on the internet. We partnered with other ministries in taking the transforming Word and the life changing influence of the Spirit on the Cyberspace. We partnered with Brother Ransome Ministries, www.brotherransome.com , and Christian Churches and Ministries network,   HYPERLINK "http://www.ccmnonline.org" www.ccmnonline.org . They helped to publish some of our materials. We are grateful to God and to them. Also, our Divinity Today Devotional received an ‘Auxano-Lift’ with the creation of its website, www.divinitytodaydevotional.org . It can be read in 72 languages including Arabic, Yiddish, Hausa and Yoruba. Also, we moved into application development with the creation of ‘Higher Life talk’ Blackberry App, where God’s Word is lavishly arrayed for the reader’s delight!

The year 2013 was a year of the Greater Glory in every way. We give  mighty thanks to our almighty God who supplied us lavishly his Word and his anointing that has brought prosperity to our lives and ministry!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Closing thoughts for the year of the Greater Glory!

Wow! 2013 was a splendid year! God was marvellous throughout the year! What Great truths that the Spirit of God vivified our hearts with! As I considered all we have been taught this year, the revelation of what the Greater Glory is dawned on me; the New Testament of Jesus Christ is the Greater Glory- 2 Corinthians 3:8-9! All we taught this year, all we were shown by the Spirit were revelations of the New Creation realities which the New testament of Jesus brought into being! By his love, we are New Creations;.born  without a past of sin and with a future of Glory with God in eternity! From January, the month of Presence Consciousness till December, the month of Thanksgiving, this was arrayed before our Spirits! I hope you were sensitive enough to realize that. Let's relive the inspiring revelations of the Word by going through amazing articles @ www.Facebook.com/DivinityToday , there we will be inspired with God's Word that came to us this year! As the year wraps up, my gaze is fixed on the Glory that awaits us in 2014. We would announce the theme of the year on December 31 at Midnight! So, with joyful hearts, uplifted hands and lips full of grace, let's be careful to thank the Lord! I love you! God bless you! #GreaterGlory

Pastor Olawunmi Abraham

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Adoption

God has a dream for his kids; it's his grand plan in Christ; it's the ADOPTION! It is derived from the Greek Word, 'uihothesia'; it means the 'placing or training of a son. What is the ADOPTION? The adoption is a system of training and guidance for a selected son of a king or nobleman for the purpose of raising him up to function in his Father's stead. This is quite different from our understanding of Adoption, today. The adoption of Today is of parents taking charge of children who do not have their nature. We are not 'adopted' children of God but children undergoing the Adoption of the Spirit! Study Romans 8, Galatians 4 and Ephesians 4 with the Holy Spirit's help and it shall be made clear! The Purpose of the adoption is clear; to bring the child into the maturity of sonship! The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Adoption because he is in charge of the training process, he brings us before the mirror of God to transform us into our true selves; the image of Christ -2 Corinthians 2:18! The primary material for our adoption process is the Epignosis of the Son of God; that uniting knowledge of Christ that brings us to the fullness of his stature -Ephesians 4:13. This is God's dream; that we individually and collectively function in the fullness of Christ! We are God's bonafide kids; he birthed us- John 1:12-13. We are vital children of God growing up into Christ in all things -Ephesians 4:15. Gradually, the eyes of so many are being opened unto the realities of the Christ-Life; the adoption is in force! The World is waiting for our manifestation! #GreaterGlory

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Learn to lift your hands!

There is something very special to God as we worship and thank him; it's the lifting up of our hands! Psalms 141:2 says, 'Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.' The evening sacrifice is the worship offering of the Old covenant. David, however, sees into the future and sees a new type of 'evening sacrifice': the lifting up of our hands! It's special to God! It's a sign of victory in the realm of the Spirit! When Moses lifted up his hands as Israel battled Amalek, Israel prevailed! -Exodus 17:12. Make a habit of always  lifting up your hands to God! Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 2:8, 'I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.' Wow! The lifting up of our hands is our testament to the fact that he accomplished his pleasure in Christ; he made us holy! Now, our hands are holy! Right where you are, lift up your hands and thank him for making you holy in Christ Jesus! #Thanksgiving #GreaterGlory

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Revelations 5:10 leaves us with these inspiring truths, ' And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.' Hallelujah! We have been made unto God, 'King-priests' . That's what he made us and that's what he calls us! In executing our priestly ministry, it's only fitting we use these words as our sacrifices of praise as they are our confessions to his greatness! Oh, what a divine calling to execute our divine priesthood, what a testimony to our righteousness in God! Also, we are Kings to hold sway in his name; with this the Father is well pleased! So, worship and pray as a priest. But,speak as a King; you have been vested with all authority in Jesus name! #Thanksgiving #GreaterGlory

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Spiritual sacrifices.

We have realized that we are priests of God, mandated by God to offer up Spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Christ Jesus! But, what are these sacrifices? In the Old testament, they had sacrifices of different sorts: bulls, calves, rams, flour, etc. But, today, in the New  testament, we have been called to offer the sacrifices of praise by making Confessions unto his name - Hebrews 13:15.


Hebrews 13:15, ' By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name'. The phrase, 'Giving thanks' is from the Greek word, 'Homologeo', which means to, 'to offer praises by agreeing and attesting to what one has said and done'. You know, when I say that the best way to praise God is by declaring what you are in him, not what you are without him, many are chagrined. But, the truth is by declaring what we ARE in him; we make the right confessions which are our sacrifices of praise! So, today and always  declare who you are in Christ, that's a well pleasing sacrifice in Christ! #Thanksgiving #GreaterGlory

More than forgiven... Justified

The Christian is more than the forgiven fellow, he is the justified! What is the difference? To be forgiven means to have erred and to have your sins passed over. Jesus died on the cross for man to be forgiven. But, he also rose! Why? For our justification! The believer is Not the, 'forgiven' fellow! He is the Justified man! To be justified means to be absolved of guilt; declared innocent! In other words, this guy has done nothing wrong! How is this possible? It is possible because Jesus ' resurrection birthed the New Creation; one without a past! He is one declared righteous by the Sovereign of the Universe; who shall accuse him of wrong? Our faith in Christ Jesus has made us participators in his death; where the old man died. It has also made us participants in his resurrection; we rose as New Creations with God's life and divine nature at work in us! Now, we can live the Sinless life; we have righteousness as our nature! Glory to God! #GreaterGlory

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How to Worship God.

The present day order of worship God seeks is in Spirit and in truth; by our recognition of present hour Spiritual realities. How do we undertake this? We must understand that as priests of God and God's living houses, we must offer up to God, Spiritual sacrifices-1 Peter 2:5. How is this done? 1 Peter 2:9, ' But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:' By declaring his praises! 'Declare' is the Greek Word, 'exagello', meaning, 'to tell, to reveal through words'.  The Word, 'Praises' is the Greek, 'Arete', meaning, 'excellence, surpassing goodness'. This is how we worship God!  Particularly inspiring is the song of the saints in Revelation 5:9-10, ' And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.' This was their worship! Notice how it was done: It aggrandized the Greatness of God by calling him worthy. Then, it  reveals that greatness in what he has made us; Kings and Priests! This is how we offer Spiritual sacrifices! Revel in him with uplifted hands, a joyful heart and lips full of Grace! Let the testimony of what he has made you, NOT what you are without him, be on your lips! We declare his praises with WHAT we NOW ARE in him! Declare you are blessed, righteous and favoured in him; that's your Spiritual sacrifice! #Thanksgiving #GreaterGlory

Monday, December 9, 2013

Bringing Prosperity to your Faith.

One of the scriptures the Spirit of God shared with me in preparing me for this month was Colossians 2:7, ' Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.' He said that he was going to teach me (and by extension, you) how to prosper in our faith; this fellowship of the Gospel! Looking at our text, the revelation of what the Lord's purpose is, unfolds. The Lord says we, 'abound therein with thanksgiving'! The Word, 'abound' is from the Greek, ' perisseuo'. Perisseuo means, 'to cause to prosper' We prosper in our faith giving Glory to God! That's what Abraham did, the strength of his Faith was in his giving Glory to God! Thanksgiving is a law for multiplication! For example, the more you thank God for the Righteousness he has made you in him, the greater the effects of that righteousness in your life! Make it a life style to give thanksgiving and watch yourself prosper in your faith! #Thanksgiving #GreaterGlory

Sunday, December 8, 2013


What are testimonies? Testimonies aren't just nice praise reports we give in Church, they are our statements of witness, testaments of validation to the truths of God! The purpose of testimonies is to prove God's fidelity in his keeping  covenants! Testimonies help validate the truth that God kept his part!

How to give a testimony!

Deuteronomy 26:1-10  gives tremendous insights on how to give our testimonies. Never mind that's in the Old covenant, it has it's parallel in the New! Here, the children of Israel were stipulated to bring an offering to God, when they had entered the Promised Land to TESTIFY that God kept his Word, having brought them in! They were to offer bullocks, calves and rams thanking God and making statements of validation of God's forthrightness! In the New testament, we have entered into the place of promise, the rest of Christ! He has made us righteous, holy, blameless and above reproach! We are to testify both privately and publicly!  How? Not with the bulls of the old covenant but with the 'Calves' of our lips! Our Confessions are what he requires as our testimonies- Hebrews 13:15! When we declare who we are in him, we give testimony to his truth! When I declare I am righteous, it's my witness that he accomplished everything he promised in Christ! The Scriptures teach that the righteousness of God is manifested in his making us righteous! Romans 3:24-26 teaches that our righteousness declares God's righteousness! Give Testimonies of how he has blessed you with all Spiritual blessings, that's the testimony God looks out for! #Thanksgiving #GreaterGlory

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Calves of our lips!

This month of Thanksgiving is a month of Sacrifice; Spiritual Sacrifice! We will render the sacrifice of praise in the way the Spirit has stipulated! In the old testament, God required daily sacrifices of bulls and goats as testaments of Worship unto him! God got tired of that -Psalm 40! He longed for the day where he would be enthroned in our hearts and when our bodies became his temple! That dream has been realized in Christ! We are now a Spiritual house, a consecrated priesthood, to offer up Spiritual sacrifices! - 1 Peter 2:5. What sacrifices are these? What is being slain in Worship? It's no longer bulls and goats; the perfect perfecting sacrifice, Jesus  was enough! Now, we offer the 'Calves' of our lips - Hosea 14:2. These are our statements and Testimonies of praise consenting to God's greatness,  God's truth! Hebrews 13:15 says, ' By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his  name.'  The Phrase, 'Giving thanks' is 'Homologeo' in the Greek. It refers Confessions;  saying the same thing with another, consenting with another, with the intent of adoration and praise! When we speak about who God is and who we are in him, we consent to his truth; we confess his greatness! These are our Spiritual sacrifices; the Calves of our lips! Let everyday be a practice of this priestly ministry! Be ever mindful to render the 'Calves' of your lips; he alone is worthy! #Thanksgiving #GreaterGlory

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Be not Unequally Yoked...

2 Corinthians 6:14, ' Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?' This Scripture unlocks marvellous truths that helps us understand Fellowship and therefore, who we  can have Fellowship with!

Be not Unequally Yoked!

This is an old testament concept where God commanded that Animals of different breeds and kinds should not be Yoked together! This even applied to clothing; no two kinds of Fabric were to be used! Thank God for Christ! Well, as a result, you had two yoke of Oxen, not an Ox and a Donkey.

This is Why I say Fellowship cannot be between dogs and cats! The next verses tell us that to have intimate dealings with an unbeliever is forbidden! Why? It's an aberration of nature!

Fellowship Defines!

The next truth we see in this verse and the ones that follow is that God, our Creator defines who we are and what the unbeliever is! This shows us How Fellowship is impossible in a union to these distinct two! God calls the Believer, Light; the Unbeliever is darkness! God calls the Believer, Righteousness; the Unbeliever is unrighteousness! God calls the Believer, Christ; the unbeliever is Belial! The Believer is the temple of God, the unbeliever is the temple of Idols!

God has united us to the Lord Jesus! He is the head, we are the body! This new creation is called Christ! Therefore, the Believer is Christ! That's Why we shouldn't fornicate, We are joined to the Lord and therefore cannot make Christ, one with a harlot! Glory to God that we have been 'Ginomai' the Lord! #Fellowship #GreaterGlo

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Ye are Gods! - Part 3

We are in Fellowship with God; a relationship between beings of the same kind! Many shudder at the thought of being called a god. Yesterday, I established that divinity is not about being Worshipped but about possessing the divine nature. Today, I wrap up these series with a special teaching titled: Partakers of the Divine Nature!

Partakers of the Divine Nature!

2 Peter 1:4, 'Through these things he has bestowed on us his precious and most magnificent  promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, seeing that you have escaped the corruption that is in the world caused by evil desires.' I would like you to notice the construction: Through his precious  and most magnificient promises...we are made Partakers of the divine nature.. Precious  and most magnificent  promises! Whew! These are God's pronouncements of the highest kind by which he has made us sharers in the divine nature! An example of such promises are in 2 Corinthians 6:17. But, what does it mean to be a partaker of the divine nature? The Word, 'Partaker' is from the Greek, 'Koinonos' which means 'fellow, partner, associate'. The Word, 'divine', is derived from the Greek, 'Theios', meaning 'pertaining to God, describing God.' The Word, 'nature' is the Greek, 'Phusis', meaning, 'nature, kind, species, constitution'. Putting these together, we understand that we are associates of the God nature, therefore, we are divine! Some agree that we are Partakers of the divine nature, but it doesn't mean we are Gods or divine. Let me help such folks understand the Scriptures. Hebrews 2:14: Forasmuch  then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood ,he also  himself likewise  took part of the same ; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death ,that is ,the devil. The Children were 'Partakers' of flesh and blood. The Word, 'Partakers' is 'Koinoneo'; same family as 'Koinonos' and meaning the same thing. The Children being Partakers of Flesh and blood means that they were what? Flesh and blood! And Jesus partook of same; meaning what? He became Flesh and blood! This describes the Humanity of Jesus as he walked on this earth. I said this to say this: If we are Partakers of the divine nature, it could only mean we are divine! This is to the Father's Glory! We are Vital sons of God, therefore, we are Gods! Many that oppose this do not understand it, therefore, they cannot ask the right questions. This concludes our, 'Ye are Gods!' Series. I trust you were enlightened, inspired and poised to demonstrate to the world the divine excellencies of God, your heavenly Father! #Fellowship #GreaterGlory

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Born of the Spirit... to look like the Spirit!

The Word of God is unambiguous in it's description of the character of the New Creation. John 3:6, ' That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.' This tells us the character of the progenitor determines the character of the offspring! Get this: You look like the Holy Ghost! It's upon  this premise we can have Fellowship with the Holy Ghost; it's a communion of Spirits! It's amazing! Did you know you can share similar sentiments with the Holy Ghost? Acts 15:28, ' For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost,and to us,..' What a communion! In this communion, we express the character of the Spirit of God to the World! We have become his agencies of the reconciliation. Never see yourself apart from the Spirit; you are one with him now - 1 Corinthians 6:17! One of the best ways to maximize our Fellowship is to recognize Who God is, Who we are and make commensurate confessions of same! It's an act that deepens our Fellowship and opens us to a greater revelation of God! Enjoy your divine Fellowship today! #Fellowship #GreaterGlory

The Defining power of Fellowship.

Fellowship among other things, is defining. When you attend a meeting of the Nigerian Medical Association as a member, it will mean you are a doctor. In Fellowship, there is a revelation of the identity of those in Fellowship. That's why we are sons of God; we were called unto the Fellowship of his son! We are divine, because we are made partakers of the divine nature! We need to receive revelation of God from the Spirit; it's God with whom you are in Fellowship with! In this revelation of God, is a revelation of ourselves- Ephesians 1:16-23. Thanks be unto God for calling us unto Fellowship with himself! #Fellowship #GreaterGlory

The Divine Union!

We are in a Union with the Lord! Romans 7:4 gives a mind blowing insight into this lofty reality: Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God. This is remarkable! But, when you study it in the Greek, you find it's Outrageous what is being revealed! The Word, 'Married' in the Greek doesn't have any thing to do with Marital rights or any such! The Word used is, 'Ginomai', it means to be made! Putting this in the verse, it'll read, '....and be MADE another... ' While asking the Lord about this, he said in passing, if men understood this, they'd have no problems in their marriages; your wife has become you! Anyways, we  have come into a oneness of identity with him! That is the only way we can really fulfill his dreams for our lives! We are 'Made' the Lord, we are his fullness in this World! He that is joined unto the Lord is one Spirit -1 Corinthians 6:17. Next, we are told the purpose of this Union: to bring forth fruit unto God! What does that mean? We are told in science that the life of a baby comes from the Father, the body (which is a means of expression ) comes from the Woman! In this divine union, Jesus supplies the Life, we give it expression! We reveal the Character of Zoe in this languishing World; that's the purpose of this Fellowship! What a life! #Fellowship #GreaterGlory

Friday, November 8, 2013

A Fellowship of Love!

Christianity, according to God's design wasn't to be a religion; it was designed to be a fellowship of Love! A religion is a superficial way of relating with God with assumptions as a core value! Christianity is a fellowship with love! God started us out; he loved us! That's the Love worth considering! Christianity is not about proving our love for God but recognizing, responding to and reflecting his love for us! God loves us, we are to accept God's love and to include others in it! That's why we preach the Gospel; It's a revelation of love! It pains me that many don't understand the Love of God! If they did, the messages of sin and condemnation will not be preached! Many just reflect the thoughts they have of God! All they need is to know the unconditional love of God! If we preached the true Gospel; the Good news of his Grace motivated by love, we'd see healings, miracles and the power of sin broken over people! It's a fellowship of love, one where we receive God's love and give it to others! When we walk in love, we'd truly experience fellowship with God! What a call; the call to love! #Fellowship #GreaterGlory

Know who you are in fellowship with!

As I study the Word, I am enthralled at the immensity of God's love expressed to us in calling us unto a fellowship with himself! Truly, fellowship is defining; it reveals who we are. Today, my mind is on something special. It's understanding what we have become having been called unto fellowship with God! I believe it's because many believers do not know who they are in fellowship with! In Luke 9:51-56, Jesus got a cold shoulder reception from a village. With righteous indignation, James and John asks the Lord for them to call down fire from heaven. Verse 55 gives the Lord's response: 'But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of'. This meant that they acted the way they did because they lacked understand of what manner of Spirit they were of or as I like to put it: Who they were in fellowship with! But bless God, John knew later on. In 1 John 1:3, he says  '.. and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.' This was his claim to walking in love! By recognizing who he was in fellowship with, he that was fierce, became the Apostle of Love!

My point is, we have been taught to see ourselves apart from God and Christ, and see ourselves as unworthy, depraved and destitute of good! This is why many still struggle with sin. Yet, God has created us in Christ, and we are: HOLY, RIGHTEOUS AND IRREPROACHABLE! We see ourselves apart from God rather than in God! How wrong we have been! We are in fellowship with God! Therefore, we are righteous because he is righteous! Holy because he is Holy! Our lives and natures are in resonance with him! This is the beauty of fellowship! Look into God's mirror today! Call yourself what he calls you! See yourself as his reflection in the World! Glory to God for this! #Fellowship #GreaterGlory

Elements of Fellowship - Part 2.

In the first part of this teaching, we discussed the elements of Fellowship. We focused on Sameness. Today, we move over to a second element; Language.


Every Society and fraternity has it's unique language. By this language, there is effective participation and communication! Our heavenly society has a language; a language inspired by the mystery of the Gospel! 1 Corinthians 2:6,  ' Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect:..' It further goes on to say, this wisdom is spoken in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained to our glory! Isaiah 33:24, ' And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick..' As children of God, there is what we are to say or not to say. Language is a tool of expression; we express our character through it! Therefore, since we have a Character of limitlessness, we declare words consistent with same! By looking into God's mirror, we see who we really are, and this influences our language! Therefore, we are able to have fellowship with God functionally! #Fellowship #GreaterGlory

Elements of Fellowship - Part 1

There are elements of fellowship; Sameness, Language, Partnership, Participation etc. These are the defining character of Fellowship as a relationship! The First element to consider is Sameness.


We have established that Fellowship is between equals, those with same nature. Hebrews 2:11 tells us, ' For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,'. This is powerful! We are all of one! We are of SAME stock! Based on this, Jesus can call us brethren! The Word, 'Brethren' is 'adelphos' in the Greek. It means brethren, associates, partners. All because, 'WE ARE ALL OF ONE'. We are same as he is! Romans 8:29. Glory to God for this! #Fellowship #GreaterGlory

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Two dimensions to Fellowship - Part 2

In the first part of this teaching, we looked at the first dimension: Positional Fellowship. We learnt that our positions in Christ have brought us fellowship with God! Now, I'd like us to consider the functional aspect of Fellowship.

Functional Fellowship.

You know, it's one thing to be born a human being and it's another to act accordingly. Based on our new natures in Christ, we are associates with God in the divine nature. But, we also have to 'Function' in the divine nature. By so doing, we come to maximum utilization  of our new natures in Christ. How do we function in the divine nature? 1 John 1:7, ' But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.' By walking in the light, we enjoy functional fellowship with the Lord! But, what's this light? 1 John 2:10, ' He that loveth his brother abideth in the light...' Walking in love is enjoying fellowship with God in light! You see, Jesus came to reveal two things. He came to reveal the life of God; Zoe. He also came to reveal the lifestyle of God; Agape! Jesus revealed Zoe, which is eternal life. He also revealed Agape, the God kind of love! We have been fitted by Grace to walk in love! All we need to do is to acknowledge it's presence in us and walk accordingly! Glory to God! #Fellowship #GreaterGlory

The Two dimensions to Fellowship - Part 1

We have been called unto a unique relationship with God, it's called FELLOWSHIP. As we have made clear, a fellowship is a relationship between equals; those with a commonness of Sameness. To fully participate in Fellowship, there is need to understand the two dimensions to Fellowship. They are the  Positional and Functional dimensions. In this part, we would be considering the positional aspect of Fellowship.

Positional Fellowship

This is the underlying premise of our divine Fellowship. It's Fellowship based on our position in Christ. It's got nothing to do with our actions. It's about God's declarations unto whosoever believes in Christ Jesus! John 1:12 tells,  ' But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:' This Scripture tells us by believing in Christ, we became Sons of God; literal reproductions of God! Let's look at another Scripture in 2 Peter 1:4, ' Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature,...' We have been granted exceeding Great and precious promises that have become the reasons why we are in  Fellowship with God!  An example is found in 2 Corinthians 6:16-7:1 tells us, ' And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.' See? He called us sons! Based on these, we are in Fellowship with God!

Meditate on these today and always! #Fellowship #GreaterGlory

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Seperated from sin!

Sin is NOT the believer's problem. Rather, the
fact that believers are not aware that sin has been dealt with is the challenge with many believers. Does God hate sin? Sure, he does! But what a lot of Christians have not realized is that God so hated sin he decided to do something about it; he made Jesus sin and killed him-Romans 8:3, 2 Corinthians 5:21! Now, we are dead to sin, slaves to righteousness and alive unto God. If you do not know this, you'd live as if you were a sinner. The problem of immature, offending believers is found in 2 Peter 1:9, ' But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.'(NIV) This fellow forgets he is righteous and he has been SEPARATED from his sins. You are NO LONGER a sinner. Awake (come conscious) to the realities of righteousness you have been granted in Christ; it's the power to live right! Declare you are righteous today! #GreaterGlory

Sunday, September 1, 2013

How to resist the devil.

The Word of God tells us, 'Resist the Devil, and he shall flee from you'- James 4:7. The Word, 'flee', means in the Greek, to, 'escape safely out of danger'. This is what happens to the devil when you resist him! But, how do we resist him? 1 Peter 5:9, '..whom ye resist steadfast in the faith..' Therefore, being steadfast in the faith is how to resist the devil. The word, 'steadfast', means, 'strong'. How do I get strong in the faith? Romans 4:19, ' He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;..' Giving glory to God is how to be strong in faith, which is how to resist the devil. So today, in that dastardly situation, give glory to God! Give glory to God exuberantly! This is your time for victory! #GreatVictories #GreaterGlory

Monday, August 26, 2013

Call me Jedidiah!

I have looked at my life and all I can scream is, 'Call me Jedidiah'! What in the world are you talking about? You may ask. God called Solomon, 'Jedidiah'. Jedidiah simply means the, 'Beloved of the Lord'! For those of you wondering what the, 'Bog' in my name is, it's, 'Beloved of God'! I recently won an award and I was celebrated in the school I just graduated from. Why is this so special to me? It's special because I was an extra-year student; I didn't graduate with my mates. But, amidst the disappointing looks from family and friends, I heard the Lord's love-voice saying for my shame, he'd give me double. That's exactly what he did! If you are asking how come I have the revelations I have and want to know how to get them, I can't help you. Why? I am not doing anything, I AM JUST LOVED! Christ died because he loved me, he rose because he loved me! My life is a tale of God's grace; his unconditional love available to everybody! He is not counting that sin against you, he wants you to accept his free love! So, the next time you see me, scream, 'Jedidiah'! For indeed, I am the beloved of the Lord! #GreaterGlory

Friday, July 12, 2013

That we may have boldness in the day of judgment........

We can never truly serve God the way he wants, thinking if we don't, he'll cast us into hell! For purpose of re-iteration, I say no sin is powerful of itself to make a believer go to hell! You can never serve God in fear; it'll never work! The Word says, He that feareth is not made perfect in love..' -1 John 4:18! We can only serve God in a 'Love-awe' : A joyful realization of his magnificent greatness and love to us. God wants us to serve him because we choose to, having realized his love for us! The Old testament was a mountain of Fear, but we are come to Mount Zion, to the blood of Jesus that speaks better things for us than the blood of Abel Hebrews 12:17-24. In Light of this, he says, 'Let us have GRACE whereby we may serve God acceptably in awe and godly reverence-Hebrews 12:28'. Why will we make heaven? Why will we have boldness in the day of judgement! Simple! Because, As HE IS, so are we IN THIS WORLD- 1 John 4:17. How do we become AS HE IS? Simple, believing in Christ makes him your justifier and you the justified; both of you are all of one-Hebrews 2:11! What an amazing life! ‪#‎Epignosis‬ ‪#‎GreaterGlory‬

What is Holiness in the New testament?

Holiness is not necessarily what you do. God's Word reveals what holiness is in the new covenant. Hebrews 12;14-15 says, 'Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently (unto Jesus) lest any man fail of the grace of God! Holiness before God is depending on the finished work of Christ: our lifestyle should be a fruit of this! This tallies with the same thought Paul expresses in Colossians 1:22-23, '...Holy, Unblamable and unreprovable in his sight: if thou be not moved from the Hope of the Gospel (Christ)'. Jesus is our sanctification- 1 Corinthians 1:31. When you came into Christ you became the sanctified- 1 Corinthians 6:10! As long as you believe Jesus shed his blood, independent of your good works, Heaven is sure for you! ‪#‎Epignosis‬ ‪#‎GreaterGlory

Everyone that hath this hope......

I glory in the word of God today! Thanks be unto God for his Word of Grace! Why should we live right? What should be our motivations? It's an assumption that many have made to say I preach grace to encourage people to sin; if that's your conclusion, surely, you have not heard or listened to me! 1 John 3:3 says, 'And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure...' Wow! This is remarkable! God is saying everyone who is confident of making heaven purifies himself. Notice he didn't say everyone that, 'aspires or wants' this hope should purify himself. But everyone that HAS this Hope! How do I 'HAVE' this hope? Let's look at the preceding verses, Verses 1-2, 'Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us,because it did not know Him. Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.' Notice here, that we are Children of God as a result of the 'BESTOWED LOVE' of God; that which we didn't work for. We are children of God! Therefore, he says when he comes we shall look like him, for we are as he is, based on his Love! Since we are certain we look like him, we purify ourselves. Therefore, Right living should be done in recognition of the Righteousness of God we have become, not to aspire to become righteous and heaven-bound! ‪#‎Epignosis‬ ‪#‎GreaterGlory‬

Sin shall have no dominion over you!

Romans 6:14 tells us that 'Sin shall have no dominion over you, because you are no longer under the Law, but under grace'! In here lies a great truth: Any One under the Law is a slave to sin! This is what a lot of our friends in religion have not realized when they try to impose the law as a guide to life and a basis of God's judgement of us! Did you know that by the Law is the 'Knowledge' of sin- Romans 3:20? 'Knowledge' here is the Greek Word, 'Epignosis'. Epignosis refers to 'Knowledge of experience'. In other words, the Law brings man into an experience with sin; it made man a sinner! In Romans 7:7, Paul says 'I had not known lust, expect the Law said, 'Thou shalt no covet'! No habit will be broken by putting laws of restraint. Only Grace; God's transforming ability making a sinner God's righteousness can break Sin's dominion. As you get acquainted with the Grace through the Word of God, you'd effortlessly break the Habits that have held you bound and live righteously to God's glory! ‪#‎Epignosis‬ ‪#‎GreaterGlory‬

The Sinless Life!

I am amazed at how many people are preaching against sin and unholiness and yet they expect results. Nowhere has the message of sin and condemnation helped anyone! There is such a life as the sinless life! This is the Gospel! A life beyond the struggles against sin; a life Jesus facilitated by his precious blood. Have you come to the awesome awareness that no longer are you a sinner? Do you know that by your faith in Christ, you are born of God and therefore cannot and should not sin? 1 John 3:9 says, '..He CANNOT sin because he is BORN OF GOD?' A Christian who still sins is one who has not come into the comprehension of who he is! You are a PARTAKER of the DIVINE NATURE, the Transcendent God-character! We are no longer slaves to do evil; we are bound to do right! We are slaves to righteousness- Romans 6:18! The power for these to become literal realities for you is embedded in believing and meditating on these thoughts from Scriptures. Consistent with its character, God's Word will MAKE YOU what it talks about! ‪#‎Epignosis‬ ‪#‎GreaterGlory‬

The Historyless Ones!

When you got born-again, several things happened! Many people do not understand this, that's why they use the words they use and live the lives they live! The One who is a Christian, does NOT have a PAST! You are a New Creation; the Word, 'New', derives from the Greek, 'Kainos', meaning, 'Unprecedented, Novel, 'Never-existed-before'! You NEVER EXISTED BEFORE! Therefore, you ...are NOT suffering the effects of the Sins of the PAST! You suffer because of your Ignorance! When the devil comes up with an accusation of sin, simply tell him, 'Wrong address'. The man that was a sinner died on the Cross, the one that lives now is CHRIST! Glory to God! Being conscious of this is key to living the unfathomable riches of the transcendent Christ-Life! ‪#‎Mirror‬ ‪#‎GreaterGlory‬

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Foundations of Knowledge!

Psalm 11:3, ' If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?' This is one of the most misunderstood verses in scripture. A lot of people use it in their teaching on the need for 'deliverance' from generational issues. They say, 'You might be born-again (righteous) but if you have a 'foundational' problem, then you can do nothing! What an anomaly! They surely have no comprehension of what it means to be a New Creation! What does the above scripture mean? Let me explain this from Psalms 82:5, 'They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.' Their not knowing is the reason why the foundations are out of course! That's why things go awkward! The Righteous will suffer for as long as he doesn't KNOW; not because there is a powerful devil outside! So get to know who you are! You have a New foundation in Christ and God is building you up a spiritual house for his Glory 1 Peter 2:4-5! ‎#Mirror ‎#GreaterGlory

Put the Zoe in you to Work!

Today, my thoughts are in a lofty direction, the direction of the higher life in Christ! I am sharing on how to release the divine life of God in our Spirits as born again , new creatures in Christ! This is to bring us into participation with the limitlessness that the divine life avails us in our mortal flesh! The Character of any living creature is defined by the quality of life it possesses! The life-force of any being is the determinant of the limitations, advantages, abilities that that being has. Hence, we can understand why a dog cannot walk on two feet, because it's life force restricts it from doing so. But, there is a life force, beyond this mundane realm. It is the very definition of limitlessness, infinite abilities, etc! It's called Zoe! The very life of sovereign almighty God! With this life, we walk on water, move mountains, multiply bread, turn water to wine, raise the dead...and the list continues infinitely! We put this Life to work, primarily by meditating on thoughts that portray this as revealed in God's word. Also, our confessions release that power! ‎#Overflow ‎#GreaterGlory

Fountain-heads of Life!

John 4;14, ' But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.' This is an amazing truth! Notice that he didn't say the thirsty shall be satisfied; he said he said he shall have a spring in him! that's just like Jesus! To the one in darkness, he doesn't just say, 'I will give you light', he says, 'I will make you light!' Now, he has not just given us life, he has made us FOUNTAINHEADS, Sources of Zoe! We are life-givers! Glory to God! That's just amazing! How do we give life? We give life by preaching the gospel! 2 Timothy 1:10, 'But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:' The Gospel is the unveiling and ministration of Zoe! As you preach the realities of the glorious life in Christ, men will be changed! ‎#Overflow ‎#GreaterGlory

The Superabundant Life!

Jesus came for a purpose; to rescue man from the throes of sin. One of the throes of sin is deficiency! That's why he said, I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly! That life is Zoe; Life at it's best! Jesus came for us to have the death-defeating, bread-multiplying life. Now, we joyfully declare, 'We are complete in him, who is the head of all principality!' Colossians 2:9! You now have the superabundant life; release same into the affairs of your life as you utter words of power. For by our words we release the Zoe on our inside for manifestation- John 6:63! Make joyful, confident confessions of superabundance today and always! ‎#Overflow ‎#GreaterGlory

The Gospel Unveils Zoe!

2 Timothy 1:10, 'But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:' This is a thought that sets me afire! Thinking about it is just wonderful! In the above scripture, we are told that the law of death and degradation has been abolished and Life (Zoe) and Immortality has come to Light (revelation)! The Gospel is the manifestation of Zoe! Zoe is God's idea of what life should be; limitless and transcendent! That's why Apostle Peter was commanded to 'Stand in the temple and speak all the words of THIS LIFE' - Acts 5:20! This Life, Zoe, God's kind of life! When we preach and demonstrate the Gospel, we unveil the limitless life of God; the Life that Jesus came to give, the OVERFLOWING Life! Believe the Gospel, Confess it and act it. It has the power to transport you into experiencing the realities of the Zoe it unveils! ‎#Overflow ‎#GreaterGlory

Above and beyond

God is not stingy! He is the God of all good things! He is El-shaddai..The Strong and breasted one. He is more than capable. Philippians 4:19, 'But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.' The Word, 'Supply' is from the Greek, 'pleroo' which means to 'super-abundantly provide'. This is what God loves to do! Look at Ephesians 3:20, 'To him who by means of his power working in us is able to do so much more than we can ever ask for, or even think of.' (GNB). Pray with this consciousness and set your expectations big, knowing, he'll still surpass them! God is out to have us experience the Overflow, rejoice! ‎#Overflow ‎#GreaterGlory

The Supernatural Advantage for Increased Success!

God has planned out our lives in such a way that we win and we win increasingly. This is affirmed in Proverbs 4:18, 'the path of the just is as a shining light, that shineth brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.' That's success on an upward incline! This thoughts of the Spirit in my heart today, are inspiring to me. I am taking heed to them as much as I would like you to. That light is the Word! It'll impart it's ever-dominating character to you! ‎#Overflow ‎#GreaterGlory

Thoughts on Romans 6:1

What did Paul mean when he said, Shall we sin that Grace may abound?'- Romans 6:1. Was he implying that Grace isn't able to save those that use it as an excuse for sin? NO, a thousand times no! His next statement tells us why he said so, 'How shall we who are DEAD TO SIN live in it any longer? He was pointing us to the transforming work of Grace: the destruction of sins dominion over us and our deadness to same! Many have not understood this and have missed the Major truth Paul was communicating: We are Dead to sin!

What do you do with the Word?

When we get opportunities to hear the transforming Word of God it's important we know what to do with what we hear. Recently, we were suffused and inundated with glorious and amazing revelations of God's Word at DreamWorld Conference 2013. So moving was the meeting that many are asking for the tapes already including those that attended! That's wonderful! But, what will you do with the Word you hear? God's dream is not that we hear the Word only, his dream is we 'BE' his Word and DO It, that's the only way it produces results for us! How we perceive the Word matters a lot! The best way to take the Word is as a Mirror; it's a revelation of who you are, your potentials and expected attitudes of a being your kind! You act in certain ways because the Word of God says a New Creation acts this way. When you do this, your life will assume, on the outside that Inner divine glow of Glory! This is the Father's Dream, live it to his Glory! #Dominion #GreaterGlory

To be Born-Again means.........

The issue of understanding what it means to be a New Creation can never become dated, over-flogged or over-emphasized! What does it really mean to be born-again? Thinking about this is enough to get me on a 'Dancing-Jumping-Running-Singing-Laughing-Crying-Tounging' spell! It's marvelous, friends! John 3:3, ' Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.' This is one of the most profound scriptures in the Bible. The phrase, 'Born-again', in the Greek, means, 'Born-above'! Previously, Nicodemus said to Jesus, 'No man can do these things except he comes from God.' Looking at Jesus' response, it would seem like he ignored Nicodemus. The contrary is true! The import of Jesus saying, 'You must be born again' implied that Nicodemus and indeed any of us can have the same life he has and do the very things Nicodemus was praising him for! That you must be born again is not a mere call to repent from sin alone, it's a calling into the transcendent life of Divinity! Meditate on this and Win! #Dominion #GreaterGlory

Choose not to participate!

I'd like to speak about the issue of 'Generational curse and household wickedness'. When we tell people that these things do not affect the believer, they are quick to point out examples of believers and even ministers who suffer from these and even need deliverance. One thing we must be careful of as believers is never to define truth from our experiences, but to define truth from God's Word which is the Truth itself. Well, in case you've got such a problem, there a simple solution; Choose not to participate. Let me give you this beautiful illustration: If you were asked to resume to an office occupied by another and you had your new staff doing somethings you didn't like. You asked them, 'why?'. They say, 'That's how the Old boss did it!' Well, since you are in charge now, you've got every right to say, 'No More!' Likewise, you are a New Creation; the 'cursable', 'sickable' guy left office! Christ, now lives in you! Simply declare, 'I walk out of this curse and challenge in the name of Jesus. I choose not to participate.'! It's that simple! #Dominion #GreaterGlory

Christ is the end of the Law for Righteousness...........

This is one of the biggest verse of scriptures; absolutely mind blowing! This scripture is from Romans 10:4, 'For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.'. Do you know the gravity of it's implication? I explain what it means. Boy, I am giddy! In the Old testament, God promised whosoever that would obey his laws certain blessings because they had attained righteousness by their works. So you have amazing blessings in Deuteronomy 28, The Book of Psalms etc. All these had conditions. What God says now is that, Christ is the fulfillment of these conditions for righteousness and the blessings that come with it, for us that have believed. So, we can look at the Divine Largesse of the Old testament and declare that they are ours! For instance, Psalm 5:12, 'For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.' That's mine, because Jesus Christ has fulfilled the conditions necessary to make me righteous! What a Life! Thanks a million, Lord Jesus! #Dominion #GreaterGlory

Are you frustrating God?

The first thing that comes to most minds when this statement is made are the sins that make God angry with us! Surprisingly, the opposite is true! Paul says in Galatians 2:20, 'I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.' Frustrating God is rejecting his free gift of grace and opting to reach him by your good works! God's dream is for him to work in you his good pleasure-Philippians 2:14! Let grace work in you as you accept all he says you are in Christ and live by the Word conscious of his unconditional love for you! Glory to God for this! #GreaterGlory

Bound to Righteousness!

One of the most poignant thoughts in God's Word is found in Romans 6:18, 'You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.' (NIV). Have you ever thought of yourself as bound to righteousness. When people gripe and complain that they can't seem to get over any habit, I rejoice exuberantly knowing, I am dead to sin and bound to righteousness; the only thing I can really do is to please God. I am bound to do right! How does this work? Simple! Romans 6:11, 'In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.' (NIV). Do this and God's word will make this practical realities for you! What a joy to know that in Christ, I am a slave to righteousness! Wow, sin's dominion is broken! I am bound to righteousness! #GreaterGlory

The Big 'thing' about Christianity!

We need to understand the big 'thing' about Christianity! This is 'Christ in you' the hope of glory! Until we understand this, Christianity becomes a drag, a bore and a burden. The moment we understand this, our prayers cease to be ineffective babblings but Words of divine power. Church services become caucus meetings of the God-Kind! Bible study times become moments of transportational transformation as we observe the Mirror of God! All these become the character of our lives, because, Christ in you is the hope of Glory! What a life!

God's operational headquarters!

The presence of God in the believer is not a religious concept but a literal reality! This is the big, unreligious 'thing' about Christianity! We are the 'BODY' of Christ; his primary medium of expression in this world! In other words, we are his operational headquarters. A Christian is one who's got Christ LIVING and REIGNING through him- Galatians 2:20! 2 Corinthians 6:16-18 tells us God's dream: to live and walk in us! He operates from us in his completeness, his totality! That's why in Ephesians 3:19 he wants us to be 'furnished with the SUM TOTAL of his TOTALITY'! What a blessed reality this is! #PresenceConsciousness #GreaterGlory

Are you putting a lie to Christ's work?

When we preach Grace, it's not just a 'feel-good' philosophy to ease man's battered conscience, it's actually the proclamation of the eternal efficacy of Christ's Work. I am amazed; disturbed at how many are, 'putting a lie to Christ's work'! When you emphasize good-works and 'Holy Living' as prerequisites to making heaven, you are not just, 'taking the fun out' of Christianity, you are actually doing something far more dangerous! You are implying that the Work of Christ is insufficient to set a man right before God. The end of this is that you are found a transgressor and you are in danger of Hell-fire. Emphasize the righteousness his blood has offered you; it'll give a good character on earth and secure eternity for you. It's by no other way! #GreaterGlory


The first half of the year has been momentous! Indeed, God, by his Spirit is taking us from Glory to Glory in this special year of the Greater Glory! The Revelations of the Word granted us this year has been mind-blowing; the Word Works! We had God lead us in certain directions for each month. January, we were inspired to be 'Presence-Conscious', February, 'Love-Conscious', March was the month of Victory! He led us in April along the paths of Dominion! In May, it was the month of Epignosis; what a month it was! Then, came June, the Month of the Mirror! God has surpassed our expectations! As a ministry, we held several programs, notable among them was the DreamWorld Conference 2013 in the Month of April. The Video link is here http://youtu.be/fWnYF_Mx3F0 ! Glory to God! Now, he has brought us into July and our paths shine more gloriously! The Spirit of God declares July to be the Month of THE OVERFLOW! The Month of July, the month of the OVERFLOW, is a time where the Spirit of God will start us on an eternal traverse into the limitless borders of ZOE! The theme scripture is John 10:10 (AMPLIFIED), 'The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). God has brought us into Christ, a place of Completeness and a superabundance of all things. The Christ-life is the treasure in us whose excellency is of God- 2 Corinthians 4:7! It's a month where needs will be met with the OVERFLOW of what is necessary! You'd be OVERWHELMED by God's amazing OVERFLOW! May God acquaint you with the exceeding greatness of his power as you experience the Superabundant overflow of all good things in God! God bless you! Pastor Olawunmi Abraham Lead Pastor, God's DreamWorld

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Misconception #7: Our Righteousness is as filthy rags before God...

Misconception #8: Our Righteousness is as filthy rags before God... This verse is gotten from Isaiah 64:6. I wonder if many persons understand who a New Creation is. 2 Corinthians 5:17-18, 'Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God..' This means, the New Creation (One who has no history) has his character of God..he looks like God, he ceases to have his identity! Galatians 3:27, 'For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.' We have a Christ-identity. Our Righteousness is of God! We rejoice and live boldly to his Glory! Since my righteousness is of God, it cannot be filthy! #Mirror #GreaterGlory

Misconception # 6: If the Lord shall mark iniquity, who shall stand?

This popular misconception comes from David's prayer in Psalm 130:3. I have heard this prayed in many churches as we are encouraged to ask God for mercy! Obviously, these folks have a problem comprehending what Justification is! There is a difference between justification and forgiveness! Forgiveness means that you sinned and now mercy has prevailed; Justification means God declares you INNOCENT! The New Creation is more than the forgiven person; he is the JUSTIFIED fellow. This is because he lacks a history; he never existed before! - 2 Corinthians 5:17! Now, before God, We are holy, unblamable and unreprovable, based on Christ's finished works- Colossians 1:22! God already marked iniquity and found me innocent; justified! So, the answer to this question is : I, Olawunmi Abraham, shall stand if the Lord marks iniquity! What a reality! Glory! #Mirror #GreaterGlory

Misconception #5 Let us come into the presence of God!

I'll be sincere with you, I believe those who talk like this do not really know the Holy Ghost! A lot of people have not understood the presence of God is not to be sought but to be realized! We do not NEED to come into the presence of God; God lives in us NOW! When the veil was torn as Jesus died, God moved out from any building of man! He came to live inside New Creations! That's why we are called the temple of the Holy Ghost- 2 Corinthians 6:17-21! None of the Apostles ever sought the presence of God, they were aware of the presence of God in them! When people go to church, they believe they are in the 'presence of God', therefore, the devil cannot touch them! But, he waits at the gate of the church, when they, 'leave the presence of God', then he can do all he wants with them until next Sunday! It doesn't have to be that way! That's why God sent the Holy Spirit to live in us! he is the Angel of God's presence- Isaiah 63:8-9! He communicates the presence of God to us and in us! We do not go to Church to meet with God, God is there because we are there. That's why he said, 'when two or more are gathered in my name there I am..'- Matthew 18:19! Live conscious of God's presence at all times; it'll will cause your days to be full of unending victories! #Epignosis #GreaterGlory

Misconception #4: Jesus did not come to destroy the Law!

When we preach that Grace is the end of the law, some 'learned' folks are quick to point out that Jesus himself said he did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it- Matthew 5:17! But, what did he mean? Understand that the Law had a purpose: Righteousness. But because of man's sin-nature he couldn't attain it! that's why Jesus came to fulfill the righteousness which the law should have accomplished and in his fulfilling it, he finished it. Paul explains in Romans 10:4 that Christ is the END of the LAW for Righteousness... Jesus couldn't have come to destroy the law for in destroying the law, he would have had to destroy the purpose: Righteousness. The Law has ended for that which it couldn't not do, God sending his son in flesh did- Romans 8:3! Glory to God, I am no longer Under the Law but under Grace! #Epignosis #GreaterGlory

Misconception #3- The Christian is Christ-Like!

Who said so? There is not a single scripture in God's Holy word to support this assumption. Well, someone's going to say, 'But the believers were called Christians in Antioch because they were 'Christ-like'. First of all, the Word, 'Christian' means 'follower of Christ'. The believers weren't called Christians because they acted like Christ, they were called Christians because they preached Christ. Remember, Antioch was a Gentile City that delighted in wisdom. They had names for the followers of the founders of different schools of thought such as Socrates, Plato, etc. Now, some folks come preaching about a Christ, so they call them Christians. There is no way they could call them Christians because they were Christ-like because Jesus never lived in Antioch and there was no way to compare the lives of the believers and Christ! The Word, 'Christian' is the World's definition of what God calls a New Creation. Conversely, what God calls a New Creation is what the World calls a Christian! When God sees us, he doesn't see Christians, he smells Christ- 2 Corinthians 2:15! The believer is not Christ-like, he is Christ; Jesus is Christ, the head, we are Christ, the body! #Epignosis #GreaterGlory

Misconception #2- Without Holiness no man shall make heaven!

I am aware that I am stepping on a very big religious toe today! The Scripture quoted above is from Hebrews 12:14, ' Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:' Amen! What does this scripture really mean? I'll answer in two ways! First of all, let's notice that the scripture ends with a colon which means that the succeeding verse is explaining what it means. Let's look at verse 15, 'Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;' Here we have the explanation: Holiness is looking diligently at Jesus, lest we fail (or frustrate) of the Grace of God, Paul says we fail of this grace when we look unto our works rather than depend on Christ's work- Galatians 2:21, Galatians 5:4! Then, the issue of 'No man shall the Lord' doesn't refer to heaven, it simply means to obscure the revelation of God in your life to others', that's why he says, '..Many be defiled'. The second way to address this issue is, even if it meant making heaven, Holiness is looking unto Christ lest we fail of the Grace of God. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith; he starts it by his grace and ends it by his grace! Jesus doesn't save us by his grace and we end it by our 'good works'! Never mind, God will heal that big toe! Lol! #Epignosis #GreaterGlory

Misconception #1: Shall We sin that Grace may abound?

I am amazed at how many people do not study the Word in context! Why did Paul say this? The Above Scripture is from Romans 6:1. Romans 5:20 says something awesome, ' The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more,' (NIV). What a phenomenon! He says, 'The more the sin, the more the Grace'! Glory to God! But, before some funny folks claim this as their grand license to sin, he adds a caveat in Romans 6:1, 'Shall we sin that Grace may abound?'. In other words, should the fact that the more the sin, the more the grace make us sin? He gives a splendid answer: God Forbid! But why? Is it because Grace would soon run out? No, an Eternal NO! Here's why: Romans 6:2, '..How shall we who ARE DEAD TO SIN continue in it any longer? Wow, this is mind-blowing and phenomenal! He points us to the TRANSFORMING WORK OF GRACE! We are DEAD TO SIN! A man who forgets this is the man who'll continue to lie and steal! God needs you to Know this! What a Joy! Halleluyah! #Epignosis #GreaterGlory


Now,we've come to the end of our glorious series. But, some few words more:there are things we must have as a culture in our lives that aid our spirituality. I am talking about fellowshipping with the Spirit through prayer and meditating on the Word! Prayer, most especially the prayer in tongues, is a marvelous way to have your spirit mingle and interwine with the Holy Spirit, such that you express his character. The Word brings us into an awesome fellowship with divinity. Have an awesome journey!


Next, we are to sponsor Godliness ('God-considerations') with brotherly love. Very important truth! One way to express our divinity is selfless love for our brethren in Christ! Fraternal (brotherly) love should be the trademark of every disciple of Christ! Don't be divided by denominational and doctrinal issues; let that precious blood-cord of Christ help you see a brother in the other fellow who's born-again regardless of the church he goes! Then, love seals it up. You express God loving others!


Continuing, we are to sponsor patience with Godliness. What is Godliness? Godliness refers to, 'God-considerations' in all things; living in the love-awe of God! It's so important! This is where our dependence on God and our fellowship with his Spirit matters. Learn to depend on God; his leadings and instructions. They're for your promotion! This was the secret of the transcendent life of Jesus Christ. He refused to live independent of the Father. Hence, the Father's glory was manifested through him!


Then, to temperance (self-control), we are to add patience, i.e, we sponsor temperance with patience. Patience is a character of a masterly Spirit (a Spirit in charge)! It is by patient dependence on God that we birth the tangibility of his Word! God tells us that he that believeth shall not make haste! Relax, don't panic! In such a state of mind, you can recreate the things you want. Jesus did not panic when told Lazarus was sick; because he knew the inherent ability of God was at work in him!


Next, we are admonished to sponsor knowledge with temperance. Temperance refers to self-control or discipline. It's a blessed thing to keep your body in check. It enhances your prosperity. We are told to use the knowledge of who we now are in Christ to master our bodies. One of the greatest truths to know about oneself is this: you are a spirit not a body. Therefore, you are not bound by the feelings of your flesh. Doing what must be done at the expense of what you feel like doing, is key to success.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


We started from sponsoring our faith with excellence. Continuing, we are to sponsor our virtue (excellence) with knowledge. We must be studious and seek knowledge voraciously! Get to know who you are as a Christian! Make an unbreakable habit of studying your Bible as well as relevant literature! Be knowledgable in all things but be ever-proficient in your knowledge of God. This would enhance your excellence as you are awakened to your higher capacities and forge ahead to utilise them! We'll continue later.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Our theme scripture for this teaching is 2 Peter 1:5-8. Verse 5 says, 'Therefore giving all diligience, ADD to your faith, virtue.' The word, 'add' is from the Greek, 'epichoregeo' which means to, 'support, fund, finance and sponsor'. I have chosen, 'sponsor' because it's very apt for the purposes of this teaching. From the first verse in our passage, verse 5, we are told to sponsor our faith with virtue. Here, 'virtue' means 'effectiveness and optimum'. God wants us to be the best in addition to faith.

Monday, April 29, 2013


We have been called to a high calling of glory and virtue- 2 Peter 1:3. The word, 'virtue' derives from the Greek word, 'arete' which connotes, 'excellence, effectiveness, optimum-capacity, etc'. In other words, God's called us to excellence, to live at optimum capacity. This means he wants us to be the best of ourselves. He has made us as Jesus. Hence, Jesus is the standard of what we can be! In this teaching, I'd be showing you how to sponsor yourself to be the best of you! You'd be delighted!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

'Work out', not 'Work for' your Salvation!

A lot of people are ignorant of God's mind concerning a lot of issues. Hence, the walk on in darkness. In Philippians 2:12, Paul by the Spirit, admonishes us to 'Work out our salvation, with fear and trembling.' A lot of people have misunderstood this to mean, 'Work for your salvation', where we do something good enough for us to be accepted before God. Well, Scriptures are clear; it is 'work out your salvation'. This means to, 'Bring that which is on the inside to the out' .Salvation occurs in the Spirit when you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth the Lordship of Jesus. But, God wants it to be evident to everyone else, so he says to, 'Work out'; bring to outward expression the salvation on the inside. This we do in prayer, study and meditation on the Word and as we fellowship with brethren. As we do so, our fellowship becomes effectual as we, 'acknowledge every good thing in us in Christ Jesus'-Philemon 1:6 #PresentTruth #GreaterGlory

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

In Union with the Word!

As I study God's Word, I am intrigued and elated at the glorious riches it conveys. But what enthralls me much more is the relationship God wants us to have with the Word. I'd explain this from Hebrews 4:2-For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.This is one of the most beautiful scriptures in the Bible! First, the word, 'mixed' in the Greek is 'Sungkerannumai' and it means' ..to come into an inseparable, indivisible, homogenous union or Oneness'. Wow, God's dream for the Israelites was that they came into Union with the Word. Sadly, they failed. But, God had something coming; a day in which his dream would be fulfilled! Indeed, the day of the New Creation when we were born of the Word, to speak the Word and to do the Word! Now, it's a reality- 1 Peter 1:23! Faith brings us to function in this beautiful union with the Word. Faith is believing and acting the Word! Now, we possess the eternal, victorious and dominion character of the Word; we are the Word made flesh! What a joy to be in union with the Word! #Dominion #GreaterGlory

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Imparted Righteousness!

There is a dimension of righteousness that suffers from insufficient exploration. Yet, its comprehension takes a man to unfathomable heights in God. I am talking about imparted righteousness. There are two sides to the Righteousness of God which is by faith in Christ Jesus: The Imputed and The Imparted. The IMPUTED or Justification side of it absolves of guilt and proclaims us innocent as we are New Creations in Christ! Many people know this and it's wonderful to know you can stand before God without a sense of inferiority or guilt. Imparted Righteousness is God's nature of perfection in your Spirit; it's God's character making you right and do right. You become the standard for appraising right and wrong! It's so big! It's at this side of righteousness you realize that you are God's will in motion. You also realize that righteousness is more than the opposite of sin. God's will is not for us just do do his will; he has bigger dreams! His big dream is that we become the revelation of his will in our micro-cosmos! He are to reveal his Word to this World. He desires for us to be in Union and Oneness with his Word! we are more than his righteous ones, we are his righteousness! We function this way, as we observe as a mirror his Word and act accordingly! What a joy to know that we are not only righteous; we are righteousness! #Dominion #GreaterGlory

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Rendezvous with the Spirit!

Recognize the all-important treasure you've got in the Holy Spirit! Oh, How often we needlessly subject ourselves to troubles, struggles, and worries! Not when you've got the Holy Ghost residing within you! I have said that the greatest thing in the world is the pulsating life of God in the new creation! This life is administered within us, by the Holy Spirit! When you yield your will to him, he'll take charge of your affairs and procure success for you! The greatest treasure in the world is the communion of the Spirit of God in the New Creation! There is no word yet to describe how beautiful a life yielded to the blessed Holy Spirit, would turn out to be! Right now, I am giddy, having experienced, recently the delights of this fellowship and seen the ease with which one can live when walking with the Holy Spirit! He never takes you down boredom-lane, he takes you up into glory-heights! Make up your mind to enjoy him, it's that simple and you'll get in the flow! You are blessed! #Dominion #GreaterGlory