Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Put the Zoe in you to Work!

Today, my thoughts are in a lofty direction, the direction of the higher life in Christ! I am sharing on how to release the divine life of God in our Spirits as born again , new creatures in Christ! This is to bring us into participation with the limitlessness that the divine life avails us in our mortal flesh! The Character of any living creature is defined by the quality of life it possesses! The life-force of any being is the determinant of the limitations, advantages, abilities that that being has. Hence, we can understand why a dog cannot walk on two feet, because it's life force restricts it from doing so. But, there is a life force, beyond this mundane realm. It is the very definition of limitlessness, infinite abilities, etc! It's called Zoe! The very life of sovereign almighty God! With this life, we walk on water, move mountains, multiply bread, turn water to wine, raise the dead...and the list continues infinitely! We put this Life to work, primarily by meditating on thoughts that portray this as revealed in God's word. Also, our confessions release that power! ‎#Overflow ‎#GreaterGlory

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