Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Are you putting a lie to Christ's work?

When we preach Grace, it's not just a 'feel-good' philosophy to ease man's battered conscience, it's actually the proclamation of the eternal efficacy of Christ's Work. I am amazed; disturbed at how many are, 'putting a lie to Christ's work'! When you emphasize good-works and 'Holy Living' as prerequisites to making heaven, you are not just, 'taking the fun out' of Christianity, you are actually doing something far more dangerous! You are implying that the Work of Christ is insufficient to set a man right before God. The end of this is that you are found a transgressor and you are in danger of Hell-fire. Emphasize the righteousness his blood has offered you; it'll give a good character on earth and secure eternity for you. It's by no other way! #GreaterGlory

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