We have been called apart by God and separated unto God as a Holy nation. We are no longer of the world; our affections belong to another! The Scriptures tell us in Romans 12:2, 'And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind....' In other words, we are not to have same form as the world, but be transformed. To be transformed is what we have been called unto and this transformation takes place as we renew our minds through his Word. We are God's lights in this world. We have been called to shine as children of light- Ephesians 5:8. In a time were perverse influences are at a record high and many believers are compromising, the need to call our attention to our high calling in God is very pertinent. Also, I write to help those who are entangled in the web of peer pressure. How do we function as the righteousness of God we are? Philippians 2:15-16, 'That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life;.....' God has called us to shine his light; his true light in the midst of a perverse world. It's possible to function uprightly in the midst of sinners. It's not hard. God has a wisdom for matters like this; his Word! We shine as lights through his Word! His Glorious life is revealed as we look into the mirror of God's Word. He has called us to demonstrate a life alien to this world. A life of love that doesn't hurt his neighbor, a life that is full of faith and the miraculous; God's very life which is beyond the vagaries of life managed by sin. He has called us to be his lights in the World and we shine through his Word! The Word is your life, endorse it as such, by thinking, talking and acting the Word. When you do so, you function as the light that God has made you! #Pleroma
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