Tuesday, January 14, 2014

God's Idea of a Christian!

We have celebrated the Antioch idea of who a believer is and it's high time to find out God's idea of the Christian. Firstly, I want to correct the age long impression the citizens of Antioch called us Christians because we were 'Christ-like'. That simply cannot be true as Jesus never lived in Antioch and there was no way for them (Antiochians) to know how he lived. The reason why they called us Christians is because the Apostles preached Christ, so they called them Christians, meaning 'adherents or followers of Christ'. But, we are more than followers or adherents of Christ! God's Idea of Christianity is 'CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY'. As far is God is concerned, Christianity is a celebration of the vital presence of God in a man, living and operating through that man! Christianity, as far as God's concerned, is the oneness of man and God, resulting in a NEW CREATION possessing all of God's Character! Now, we are as Righteous as God, Holy as God and as powerful as God-1 John 4:17! This is, in a nutshell is God's Idea of a Christian. I hope to put the rest in a book! #NewCreation #Pleroma

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