2 Corinthians 6:14, ' Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?' This Scripture unlocks marvellous truths that helps us understand Fellowship and therefore, who we can have Fellowship with!
Be not Unequally Yoked!
This is an old testament concept where God commanded that Animals of different breeds and kinds should not be Yoked together! This even applied to clothing; no two kinds of Fabric were to be used! Thank God for Christ! Well, as a result, you had two yoke of Oxen, not an Ox and a Donkey.
This is Why I say Fellowship cannot be between dogs and cats! The next verses tell us that to have intimate dealings with an unbeliever is forbidden! Why? It's an aberration of nature!
Fellowship Defines!
The next truth we see in this verse and the ones that follow is that God, our Creator defines who we are and what the unbeliever is! This shows us How Fellowship is impossible in a union to these distinct two! God calls the Believer, Light; the Unbeliever is darkness! God calls the Believer, Righteousness; the Unbeliever is unrighteousness! God calls the Believer, Christ; the unbeliever is Belial! The Believer is the temple of God, the unbeliever is the temple of Idols!
God has united us to the Lord Jesus! He is the head, we are the body! This new creation is called Christ! Therefore, the Believer is Christ! That's Why we shouldn't fornicate, We are joined to the Lord and therefore cannot make Christ, one with a harlot! Glory to God that we have been 'Ginomai' the Lord! #Fellowship #GreaterGlo