Thursday, June 27, 2013

Misconception #7: Our Righteousness is as filthy rags before God...

Misconception #8: Our Righteousness is as filthy rags before God... This verse is gotten from Isaiah 64:6. I wonder if many persons understand who a New Creation is. 2 Corinthians 5:17-18, 'Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God..' This means, the New Creation (One who has no history) has his character of God..he looks like God, he ceases to have his identity! Galatians 3:27, 'For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.' We have a Christ-identity. Our Righteousness is of God! We rejoice and live boldly to his Glory! Since my righteousness is of God, it cannot be filthy! #Mirror #GreaterGlory

Misconception # 6: If the Lord shall mark iniquity, who shall stand?

This popular misconception comes from David's prayer in Psalm 130:3. I have heard this prayed in many churches as we are encouraged to ask God for mercy! Obviously, these folks have a problem comprehending what Justification is! There is a difference between justification and forgiveness! Forgiveness means that you sinned and now mercy has prevailed; Justification means God declares you INNOCENT! The New Creation is more than the forgiven person; he is the JUSTIFIED fellow. This is because he lacks a history; he never existed before! - 2 Corinthians 5:17! Now, before God, We are holy, unblamable and unreprovable, based on Christ's finished works- Colossians 1:22! God already marked iniquity and found me innocent; justified! So, the answer to this question is : I, Olawunmi Abraham, shall stand if the Lord marks iniquity! What a reality! Glory! #Mirror #GreaterGlory

Misconception #5 Let us come into the presence of God!

I'll be sincere with you, I believe those who talk like this do not really know the Holy Ghost! A lot of people have not understood the presence of God is not to be sought but to be realized! We do not NEED to come into the presence of God; God lives in us NOW! When the veil was torn as Jesus died, God moved out from any building of man! He came to live inside New Creations! That's why we are called the temple of the Holy Ghost- 2 Corinthians 6:17-21! None of the Apostles ever sought the presence of God, they were aware of the presence of God in them! When people go to church, they believe they are in the 'presence of God', therefore, the devil cannot touch them! But, he waits at the gate of the church, when they, 'leave the presence of God', then he can do all he wants with them until next Sunday! It doesn't have to be that way! That's why God sent the Holy Spirit to live in us! he is the Angel of God's presence- Isaiah 63:8-9! He communicates the presence of God to us and in us! We do not go to Church to meet with God, God is there because we are there. That's why he said, 'when two or more are gathered in my name there I am..'- Matthew 18:19! Live conscious of God's presence at all times; it'll will cause your days to be full of unending victories! #Epignosis #GreaterGlory

Misconception #4: Jesus did not come to destroy the Law!

When we preach that Grace is the end of the law, some 'learned' folks are quick to point out that Jesus himself said he did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it- Matthew 5:17! But, what did he mean? Understand that the Law had a purpose: Righteousness. But because of man's sin-nature he couldn't attain it! that's why Jesus came to fulfill the righteousness which the law should have accomplished and in his fulfilling it, he finished it. Paul explains in Romans 10:4 that Christ is the END of the LAW for Righteousness... Jesus couldn't have come to destroy the law for in destroying the law, he would have had to destroy the purpose: Righteousness. The Law has ended for that which it couldn't not do, God sending his son in flesh did- Romans 8:3! Glory to God, I am no longer Under the Law but under Grace! #Epignosis #GreaterGlory

Misconception #3- The Christian is Christ-Like!

Who said so? There is not a single scripture in God's Holy word to support this assumption. Well, someone's going to say, 'But the believers were called Christians in Antioch because they were 'Christ-like'. First of all, the Word, 'Christian' means 'follower of Christ'. The believers weren't called Christians because they acted like Christ, they were called Christians because they preached Christ. Remember, Antioch was a Gentile City that delighted in wisdom. They had names for the followers of the founders of different schools of thought such as Socrates, Plato, etc. Now, some folks come preaching about a Christ, so they call them Christians. There is no way they could call them Christians because they were Christ-like because Jesus never lived in Antioch and there was no way to compare the lives of the believers and Christ! The Word, 'Christian' is the World's definition of what God calls a New Creation. Conversely, what God calls a New Creation is what the World calls a Christian! When God sees us, he doesn't see Christians, he smells Christ- 2 Corinthians 2:15! The believer is not Christ-like, he is Christ; Jesus is Christ, the head, we are Christ, the body! #Epignosis #GreaterGlory

Misconception #2- Without Holiness no man shall make heaven!

I am aware that I am stepping on a very big religious toe today! The Scripture quoted above is from Hebrews 12:14, ' Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:' Amen! What does this scripture really mean? I'll answer in two ways! First of all, let's notice that the scripture ends with a colon which means that the succeeding verse is explaining what it means. Let's look at verse 15, 'Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;' Here we have the explanation: Holiness is looking diligently at Jesus, lest we fail (or frustrate) of the Grace of God, Paul says we fail of this grace when we look unto our works rather than depend on Christ's work- Galatians 2:21, Galatians 5:4! Then, the issue of 'No man shall the Lord' doesn't refer to heaven, it simply means to obscure the revelation of God in your life to others', that's why he says, '..Many be defiled'. The second way to address this issue is, even if it meant making heaven, Holiness is looking unto Christ lest we fail of the Grace of God. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith; he starts it by his grace and ends it by his grace! Jesus doesn't save us by his grace and we end it by our 'good works'! Never mind, God will heal that big toe! Lol! #Epignosis #GreaterGlory

Misconception #1: Shall We sin that Grace may abound?

I am amazed at how many people do not study the Word in context! Why did Paul say this? The Above Scripture is from Romans 6:1. Romans 5:20 says something awesome, ' The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more,' (NIV). What a phenomenon! He says, 'The more the sin, the more the Grace'! Glory to God! But, before some funny folks claim this as their grand license to sin, he adds a caveat in Romans 6:1, 'Shall we sin that Grace may abound?'. In other words, should the fact that the more the sin, the more the grace make us sin? He gives a splendid answer: God Forbid! But why? Is it because Grace would soon run out? No, an Eternal NO! Here's why: Romans 6:2, '..How shall we who ARE DEAD TO SIN continue in it any longer? Wow, this is mind-blowing and phenomenal! He points us to the TRANSFORMING WORK OF GRACE! We are DEAD TO SIN! A man who forgets this is the man who'll continue to lie and steal! God needs you to Know this! What a Joy! Halleluyah! #Epignosis #GreaterGlory


Now,we've come to the end of our glorious series. But, some few words more:there are things we must have as a culture in our lives that aid our spirituality. I am talking about fellowshipping with the Spirit through prayer and meditating on the Word! Prayer, most especially the prayer in tongues, is a marvelous way to have your spirit mingle and interwine with the Holy Spirit, such that you express his character. The Word brings us into an awesome fellowship with divinity. Have an awesome journey!


Next, we are to sponsor Godliness ('God-considerations') with brotherly love. Very important truth! One way to express our divinity is selfless love for our brethren in Christ! Fraternal (brotherly) love should be the trademark of every disciple of Christ! Don't be divided by denominational and doctrinal issues; let that precious blood-cord of Christ help you see a brother in the other fellow who's born-again regardless of the church he goes! Then, love seals it up. You express God loving others!


Continuing, we are to sponsor patience with Godliness. What is Godliness? Godliness refers to, 'God-considerations' in all things; living in the love-awe of God! It's so important! This is where our dependence on God and our fellowship with his Spirit matters. Learn to depend on God; his leadings and instructions. They're for your promotion! This was the secret of the transcendent life of Jesus Christ. He refused to live independent of the Father. Hence, the Father's glory was manifested through him!


Then, to temperance (self-control), we are to add patience, i.e, we sponsor temperance with patience. Patience is a character of a masterly Spirit (a Spirit in charge)! It is by patient dependence on God that we birth the tangibility of his Word! God tells us that he that believeth shall not make haste! Relax, don't panic! In such a state of mind, you can recreate the things you want. Jesus did not panic when told Lazarus was sick; because he knew the inherent ability of God was at work in him!


Next, we are admonished to sponsor knowledge with temperance. Temperance refers to self-control or discipline. It's a blessed thing to keep your body in check. It enhances your prosperity. We are told to use the knowledge of who we now are in Christ to master our bodies. One of the greatest truths to know about oneself is this: you are a spirit not a body. Therefore, you are not bound by the feelings of your flesh. Doing what must be done at the expense of what you feel like doing, is key to success.